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by Barbara Ross
on the seacoast, in Maine

Recently, Jessie wrote a one-word titled post, “Kindness.” That got me thinking about maybe doing a series of posts with one-word titles. The one I have to pick right now is “Gratitude.”

If you had told me, three years ago, or even two, that a book by me would be sitting right there on the shelf at Barnes & Noble between Kathy Reichs and Hank Phillippi Ryan, I would have told you, you were crazy.

But it happened. And it continues to happen. Clammed Up has been well-reviewed and on the B&N in-store Mass Market paperback bestseller list for three weeks now. The audio and large print rights have been sold.

Which is even more unbelievable.

So I want to take a moment to be grateful. Because I know it takes a special combination of luck and timing for all this to have happened for me.

Luck, timing and support.

Writing is a solitary pursuit, but it really takes a village to publish a book.

So thank you, thank you, thank you.

To my fabulous writer’s group of seventeen years–Mark Ammons, Kathy Fast, Cheryl Marceau and Leslie Wheeler. They kept me writing during all the years of kids and jobs, when it would have been so easy to give up. And they have taught me more than anybody.

To Sisters in Crime New England and the New England Crime Bake. Especially to 2011 SinCNE President Sheila Connolly who fielded an inquiry from agent John Talbot, vetted it and sent it to the group.

To the Maine Crime Writers, who took a chance on me when I had only one book published and was only a summer resident of Maine. They gave me the desire not only to write a book about Maine, but to get it right.

To my agent, John Talbot who had a vision and sold the series, my editor John Scognamiglio and the entire team at Kensington. Consummate professionals.

To the Grub Street Launch Lab pilot class. What an amazing, inspiring, crazy smart, crazy talented group. If you are a writer in Boston and you haven’t used the resource that is Grub Street, do it now. If you’re not in Boston, Grub is now offering online classes, and the Launch Lab is scheduled so out-of-towners can attend.

The Wicked Cozies

To the teachers at Seascape, Roberta Isleib (Lucy Burdette), Hallie Ephron and S.W. Hubbard and everyone in the class of ’09.

To the Wicked Cozies. My sisters in arms. I can’t tell you what its meant to have gone through this together.

And finally to my family. My kids, my new grandchild. Especially my brother Rip Ross without whom I never would have finished the second book in the series this summer.

And most especially my husband, Bill Carito.

The dedication to Clammed Up reads:

This book is dedicated to Bill Carito, my best friend, the love of my life, who has supported me in everything I’ve ever done. Honey, I’m sorry I got mad at you for breathing while I was trying to write.

I think that says it all.

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