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Ready? Set? JanNoWriStart

First, a confession. I’m a blogging bigamist. Devoted to two different groups of fabulous women. Since 2010, I have been blogging on Live to Write–Write to Live twice a month. On that blog there are a couple of other crime writers, journalists, marketers, nonfiction writers, a literary novelist and a potential romance writer. We had a Google Hangout a couple of weeks ago, and it helped remind me why I am so very fortunate to have met these women via our blog, even though I have yet to met a couple of them in person. LTW–WTL and the Wicked Cozy Authors have made a huge difference in my writing life. But that is another blog post. This one is about resolutions.

When I decided to do NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, held in November, the goal is to write 50K words during the month), I talked about it (via email) with the Wickeds, and I wrote about it over there. And when I punted on NaNoWriMo, I also wrote about it over there. Yesterday I wrote about my idea for a January NaNo there, and I also wanted to write about it here. JanNoWriStart is a little like NaNoWriMo, but with a different goal.

I have a deadline on a manuscript. I have no doubt that I will meet the deadline, but I want to get it in gear in January. I did a lot of work prepping for NaNo (and as a dedicated plotter, my outline is in excellent shape), but now I need to actually write the book. Which means finding the time to write every day. EVERY DAY. Adding words (or editing) the novel. Blogs don’t count.

So JanNoWriStart is about building the habit. The rules are pretty simple. Make your own rules/goals, make them doable, and stick to them.

If 500 words a day feels reasonable, then that’s the goal. That’s my goal (500-750), with a weekly goal of 5,000 words. Weekends will have a higher word count.

The other “rule” I have put in place (for me) is to keep on moving forward. I’m not going to go back and edit. Just keep writing, and assess at the end of January. The plan is to be very close to finishing the draft.

So we have a little less than two weeks to get ready for JanNoWriStart. We plotters need to set up the scene cards in Scrivener, and sketch out the characters and settings. And think through some red herrings. You pantsers need to think up an idea you can live with for a month, and start telling yourself the story so you can be ready to go.

Who’s in?

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