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By Julie
In the winter wonderland of Boston

We’re three days into 2014. How are those resolutions doing? For many of the Wickeds, today is a snow day, and a perfect time to write. Though this being able to actually work at home takes the shine off the whole “snow day” thing.

A while back, I wrote about #JanNoWriStart. It is a riff off the #NaNoWriMo, but without the firm “rules”. Here are the ones I am using. Adapt them as necessary:

My goal is 500 words a day. “They” say you can form a new habit in 21 days, so we have 10 extra days to make sure it works. I am a plotter, so I have scenes outlined. Now just to get them written.

So, who’s in? What are your goals? Let us know–we’ll be checking in every Friday this month.

Let’s start the new year right write!

And Happy New Year!

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