#JanNoWriStart — Week Three

Week Three of JanNoWriStart. Here’s the concept from Julie:

A while back, I wrote about #JanNoWriStart. It is a riff off the #NaNoWriMo, but without the firm “rules”. Here are the ones I am using. Adapt them as necessary:

  • Set a daily goal. If you are writing a first draft, make it a word count. If you are editing, make it a number of pages, or a time limit. It needs to work for you. The important thing is, make it achievable on a daily basis.
  • Keep moving forward. If you are on a first draft, just keep writing. If you are editing, and get stuck, make a note to yourself (fix this! research this!) and then move forward. #JanNoWriStart is about building both a habit and momentum.

wordcountMy goal is 500 words a day. “They” say you can form a new habit in 21 days, so we have 10 extra days to make sure it works. I am a plotter, so I have scenes outlined. Now just to get them written.

How many words did you write this week? Readers, be sure to add yours in the comments section!

Julie: The week has not been going well for my novel. For blogs, for emails, for my syllabus, stellar. But for my manuscript, hit the skids. Need to reboot this project, and catch up over the weekend.

Jessie: I’ve had quite a bit of success this week.Thanks to the accountability here I have managed to get to add words every day. My word count hasn’t been as high as I’d like but I’ve written on one project every day and on a second project most days.

Sherry: I didn’t get much down on paper this week. But I decided to adopt Liz’s attitude from last week.  I did the best I could. I’ll do even better next week!

Barb: I knew with being at the Key West Literary festival this would be a tough week. I didn’t write everyday, though I did get a bunch of words done. I’ve been taking an online class through Sisters in Crime New England and took a little time to do those exercises and also to do some brainstorming on my own. So a productive week on the book, but not a big word count week.

Liz: I, too, wrote every day but two. Last weekend I had a good word count, during the week not as great. But a three-day weekend is on the horizon, which means catch-up!

SusansFlowersEdith: I’m right in there with the rest of you. No words on the weekend, for valid reasons (a memorial service and then an out-of-town author event). And the class is taking a lot of my time, too, but also improving both my completed first draft and my new book. The new book is revealing itself, and when I have a clear vision of where it’s going, that’s when I can crank out great word count. Which I’m planning to continue today after I finish the homemade fruit turnovers for my sweetie’s birthday breakfast!

Readers: Any of you joining us on this? How did your writing (or other creative work) goals go this week?

6 Thoughts

  1. I’m not writing, but I think I will adopt that advice on everything else I’m doing – “I did the best I could” and add – at the time with what I had!

  2. It seems like I have been so busy lately. I work full time and by the time I get home and deal with all the issues there, I’m too exhausted to write anything coherent. BUT…I’ve been writing on the weekends. I started my novel and then didn’t like where it was going, so I started over. Much happier now and I have over 3,000 words. Okay, I’m not breaking any records, but I’m liking where it’s going, so come this weekend I’ll work on getting another 3,000 words done.

  3. I wrote about 6 reviews and 2 TV recaps. No idea how many words, however. I didn’t know I should be counting.

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