Site icon The Wickeds

Opening Lines

Write an opening line for this picture:

Liz: The crowd of obsessed fans worked in my favor. Now that the guard had turned his back to address the mayhem, I could make my move.

Barb: They were at the gate again this morning. I was grateful for their loyalty, especially in the face of my current little troubles. Though I couldn’t help but wonder, how many came to honor my body of work, and how many out of prurient sexual curiosity?

Jessie: Say what you want about the times changing; people still get excited when the circus comes to town.

Sherry: I shaded my eyes with my hand. Everyone was so anxious to catch a glimpse of the queen that I was the only one who spotted the UFO hovering over the palace.

Edith: That’s the last time I ever try to slip under the red restraining cord. I lost my favorite leather bag, my nose is still crooked from being broken, and blimey, I lost my favorite sunglasses, too, not to mention the guy I was tailing.

Readers: Add your first line!

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