2014 Review the Wicked Way

It’s hard to believe another Wicked year has past. We had a lot of fun and here are a few of our favorite photos!

Edith and Sherry both attended Left Coast Crime in Monterey, California — it was tough duty but they were happy to represent the Wickeds there.

Edith with Daryl Wood Gerber, Nancy J. Parra, Penny Warner and Jenn McKinlay
Edith with Daryl Wood Gerber, Nancy J. Parra, Penny Warner and Jenn McKinlay
Sherry with Martha Cooley, Lori Rader-Day, Carlene O'Neil and Holly West.
Sherry with Martha Cooley, Lori Rader-Day, Carlene O’Neil and Holly West.

IMG_4506Jessie once again hosted the Wicked Cozy Retreat in Old Orchard Beach. It looks like Jessie and Julie are comparing ways to strangle people. Barb seems calm and thoughtful.



IMG_4516We signed scarves for each other.





The next time we were together was at Malice Domestic in Bethesda, Maryland. Reine Harrington Carter won the Stick with the Wickeds contest and came with us on a fan. Pat Remick, a former president of the New England chapter of Sisters in Crime joined us for dinner.

IMG_4578_2We made charm bracelets with a charm to represent each of our series. IMG_4577Jessie looks a little surprised as we stuff bags for the Author Go Round.IMG_4581Barb and Liz are both nominated for Agatha Awards!IMG_4652We are ready to head down to the banquet.IMG_4709_2After the banquet wind down with wine.IMG_4751In September Barb, Edith, Julie, and Sherry get together in Somerville — we missed you Jessie and Liz!IMG_0973Our last get together of the year was at Crime Bake. It was a wicked windy day at the – can you believe it? – Wicked Pizza restaurant.IMG_1503Bill Carito is one wicked awesome husband for posing for an Opening Lines photo. IMG_1507Dru Ann was the Stick with the Wickeds contest winner and went with us on a stick to Crime Bake. Here we are after the banquet. Liz is the only one who manages to look at the camera.

wickedsbanquetOne last lunch before we part ways until Malice in May 2015. Barb surprises us with Dead Fred sticky pads.IMG_1687Sometimes we act Wicked.wcatoughBut mostly we are cozy.DSC_2980Thanks for being part of our year!


14 Thoughts

  1. Thanks, Wickeds! You’ve had a great year, and I’ve enjoyed it with you. Especially going to Malice Domestic with you—even if it was on a stick. After all it was a fan, and that I am. A big fan of all the Wickeds!

  2. Thanks guys for my wonderful adventure at Crime Bake. Next year is going to be a good year for one and all. Loved seeing the pictures.

  3. Thanks Wicked for your books and your humor that keep us all going throughout the year.

    1. Thank you, Gram for all your participation here on the blog. I’m not sure if readers realize how much we value all the time you spend reading and commenting on our posts. We truly do and we really appreciate all of yours!

  4. Looks like it was a fun and wonderful year. Thanks for the smiles along the way and in these pictures today.

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