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The Book Club

Susannah here, enjoying a cool Connecticut breeze and a cup of good coffee…

Last night I attended a meeting of a local book club. Not as a speaker, but as a potential member.

Um, big deal, Suze. Aren’t you a writer? Why wouldn’t you be part of a book club?

Well, it’s a question I’ve asked myself. And there are reasons why, up till this point, I’ve resisted.

As it turned out, only two people showed up to the book club meeting, the lovely organizer and one lovely reader/discusser. And we had a wonderful conversation about a book I hadn’t yet read (Maia Chance’s Snow White Red-Handed)–and now want to! Because this book sounds like lots of fun, and I probably wouldn’t have planned to make time for it if it hadn’t been personally recommended by other readers.

They asked me to come back, both as a member and an author later in the year, so I guess they want me. I’m still deciding whether to join the group officially. I may wait until the end of the year, when one of my other commitments will end. Nature abhors a vacuum, LOL!

Are you a member of a book club? What were/are your experiences? If you are also a writer, did it change your outlook or approach?

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