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Happy Book Birthday, Susannah Hardy!

Olive and Let Die CoverYes, it’s release day for Olive and Let Die, the second book in Wicked Accomplice Susannah Hardy’s Greek to Me Mystery series.

Here’s the description:

As manager of the Bonaparte House, a historic landmark and Greek restaurant in upstate New York, Georgie Nikolopatos knows her local legends—and her traditional Greek recipes are to die for.

Between her soon-to-be ex-husband Spiro coming out of the closet and her budding romance with Captain Jack Conway, Georgie’s life is beginning to feel like a soap opera.  And that’s before a surprise visit from her estranged mother Shirley, better known as soap star Melanie Ashley. But the dramatic family reunion takes a chilling turn when another long-lost relative turns up dead.

Just outside Spiro’s new restaurant, Georgie and Melanie find the body of Doreen Webber—a cousin Georgie never knew she had. With Spiro’s partner Inky on the list of suspects, Georgie begins to wonder what else her mother may be hiding. Is the dead-broke diva capable of murder?  She’d better find out before someone adds a new twist to the family plot.

Includes delicious Greek recipes!

What say you Wickeds?

Barb: I have to say, this title brings a smile to my lips every time I see it. To me it is just too funny. Can’t wait to see what Georgie is up to now.

Sherry: I love the title too — along with the first Feta Attraction! One of the many things that sets this series apart from others is the interesting relationship Georgie has with her husband. I look forward to reading more about Georgie and her shenanigans!

Liz: Looks hilarious, Susannah! I love dysfunctional family dynamics, especially when murder is involved. And I agree with Barb, the title is awesome. Congrats!

Jessie: Great titles, great character names and a family-filled mystery? What more could anyone want!

Edith: Happy day, Susannah! I loved book one – cant wait to read this one, too.

Julie: Happy Book Birthday!! Love this series–congratulations!

Readers: Join us in congratulating Susannah, and ask her questions about the series – and then go buy the book!

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