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Wicked Wednesday: And the Seasons, They Go Round and Round…

The first Wicked Wednesday of five in March, with the first day of spring in sight, at last. 

Wickeds, how do you feel about the passing of the seasons? Do you savor the one you’re in, or eagerly anticipate the next one? Or does it depend on WHICH season you’re in? And in your writing, what’s your favorite season to set a murder in?

Liz: I love all the seasons except winter. I enjoy spring, but as the spring season has become shorter the last few years I find myself wishing summer would just get here. Then I want it to stick around a lot longer. When I finally can accept it’s ending, I look forward to fall very much. I just wish we could go from fall straight back to spring. As far as murder goes, all seasons offer unique opportunities to commit murder. I’ve never killed anyone in winter, so perhaps I should try that. It goes with the general mood of the season, after all!

Edith: I had a lot of fun writing Cam Flaherty stuck outside in a blizzard in Farmed and Dangerous, Liz. You should try it! As for real seasons, I find they each have their appeal. I guess I’m particularly fond of summer. I grew up in Los Angeles, after all. I love it when it’s hot out, and I love even more all the fresh local produce.

Jessie: I like them all equally, at least at the beginning of them. I find that I am ready for each of them to turn when the time comes for the change. I think I would have a very hard time adapting to life in a climate where the seasons were less defined because I think I would be really bored.

Barb: I love all the seasons, and I love marking them–changing out the decor in the house in little ways, taking familiar trips, repeating holiday rituals. It seems odd to say, now that we’ve been spending a couple of the winter months in Key West, but I do love a snowy day at home. I used to love it more before the internet made “working at home” such a reality–back when it was an unexpected day off with the family. The Maine Clambake Mysteries have marched through the seasons. We’re in the depths of winter now. Can’t wait to find out what happens in the spring!

Julie: Barb, ain’t that the truth about snow days! This winter has been easy, so I am grateful for that. I do love the move into spring, when you can start layering less, and actually put the long underwear away. Spring/Summer are my favorite times of year, for sure.

Sherry: I love the promise of spring, the light green colors of budding trees (but not the sneezing with it) and of course spring means the start of garage sale season! But I also love cool fall days and its spectacular colors. I guess I don’t like the extremes of winter and summer anymore.

Readers: Favorite season, in New England or elsewhere? Which season do you prefer for a fictional murder?

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