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Wicked Wednesday – Packing for Travel

Jessie: In NH where the first of the daffodils are in bloom!

This month the Wickeds have a lot going on, and much of it involves travel. So today I’d like to know, do you overpack, underpack or hit that elusive perfectly filled bag when you go on a trip?

Edith: If I’m driving, I always overpack. Because, hey, I can. Actually, I probably always overpack. I don’t think I’ve ever come home having worn or used every item in my suitcase. I think, “What if that top doesn’t look good?” “What if the weather changes?” But the Kindle has solved one problem: overpacking books. Now I can bring twenty books for the weight of one! I’ll bring one paper book in case of power outage or whatever, but I love the Kindle.

Sherry: Really? You had to bring up packing! Right after I confessed to you and Julie while we were in LA last weekend that I’m always forgetting something? Well, I guess Julie knew since we roomed together at Left Coast Crime where I forgot pajamas (went to the gift shop and bought an overpriced Tshirt) and toothpaste (Julie shared). And for both LCC and the Adapting to Hollywood conference I forgot to take my books! As discussed with Julie and Jessie I’m planning to pack a go bag that has everything I need in it. And I always over pack — apparently it’s just not everything I actually need.

Julie: I tend to overpack. But this past weekend, I decided I needed to limit myself to my smaller suitcase. I was also determined not to unzip the extender. So, how did I do? I wore mostly black, which helped with the mix and match. I tried to only bring the cosmetics I would use (which at my age still took up 1/3 of the suitcase, but hey, I tried). I brought my ballet flats and wore my sneakers. I also brought layers. Conference packing pro tip: always bring your books and bookmarks. You can mix and match, but you do need to look polished, so jackets or sweaters help. Jewelry makes any outfit look different, and is small. And don’t forget your power cords.

Jessie: Sherry, so sorry! I set this post up before we flew out to Hollywood! I have an absolute dread of overpacking. If I take too much I feel a little queasy. So I lay everything I am considering out on my bed and think about how it can be worn in  more than one outfit. Then I start to edit the items. A good rule of thumb for packing light is to pack one piece per day of the trip not including accessories and undergarments. Also, limit yourself to two pairs of shoes. Check out boards on Pinterest for inspiration!

Readers, do you pack heavy or light? Any favorite packing hacks to share?

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