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Delivering the Truth-Happy Book Birthday, Edith!

Jessie: In NH, where spring has gone back into hiding.

Today the Wickeds are delighted to be celebrating Edith’s newest release, Delivering the Truth! This has been a real passion project for Edith and we couldn’t be happier for this day to arrive!  Since historical fiction acts as a sort of time travel mechanism, I thought I’d ask you all which famous person from 1888 would you like to meet if you could?

Jessie: I would love to meet E.F. Benson, the author of the Lucia books. I re-read them almost every year and would so enjoy meeting their creator!

Sherry: There were a lot of interesting people alive in 1888. I couldn’t settle for just one. First up is Louisa May Alcott. She died March 6, 1888 but oh, to talk to her. She lived a hard but interesting life, and knew so many fascinating people. I’ve been to Orchard House (where she wrote Little Women) and visited her grave on Authors Ridge at Sleepy Hollow cemetery in Concord. And across the pond, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I’m intrigued not only by his writing life but in his interest in spiritualism. Edith, I’m so happy for you!

Barb: Such a rich cast of characters to choose from. I think I have to go with Edith Wharton. In 1888 she was only 26 and not yet published, so she wasn’t who she was going to be. But that woman was such an amazing talent and bundle of contradictions as a person, I can’t pass up any opportunity to better understand what made her tick. (Plus, wouldn’t it be fun to come back and give some Edith Wharton scholars the straight scoop? Sort of like that scene with Marshall McLuhan in Annie Hall.) Good luck, Edith. Delivering the Truth has landed on my iPad. Can’t wait to read it!

Liz: Mark Twain, definitely! In 1888, it would’ve been a few years after Huck Finn was published and the year Twain’s humorous works, Library of Humor, came out. I wouldn’t miss a chance to pick the brain of such a famous writer. Edith, so excited for this new adventure of yours!

Julie: 1888 was such an interesting time. Susan B. Anthony, Frederick Douglas, Oscar Wilde, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lotta Crabtree were all around, and changing the world. (Who is Lotta Crabtree, you may ask. One of the rich characters in Boston’s theater history.) Any one of those people would be amazing. Do you think they had any inkling of their place in history? Edith, I am SO happy for you on this launch. I love seeing how excited you are, and can’t wait to read Delivering the Truth!

Edith: These are all fabulous. Imagine if we had them all in the same room. Two more are the real female detectives from the 1800s that I’m talking about over on the Mysteristas blog today.

Thank you, my dear blog sisters, for helping me get to this day. I’m thrilled!

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