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Wicked New England: Where Would You Pose for a Holiday Photo?

New England is very, very photogenic and has a bit of everything–oceans, rivers, lakes, mountains, cities, towns, farms, factories. Wickeds, if you were going to take an iconic shot for a holiday card, where would you take it?img_0404

Jessie: I love shadow photos. You know, those pictures that are of the shadows made by the subjects rather than the subjects themselves. I love to take them of friends and family on the beach at Old Orchard. Everyone lines up and we snap a shot of what is cast upon the sand. They are especially nice if there are some distinctive hats in the mix. I think one with my husband and all my kids would make for a great holiday card.

Edith: I love those, too, Jessie, and I have one in a frame of my same-height-friend Jennifer and me, also at the beach. The only time we’ll ever have long legs! Our family tries to get a picture in front of the decorated tree – but it’s usually  on Christmas morning. And since I rarely get a card out before Christmas, that actually works! This one is from 2007, with my sister Janet at far left.

Sherry: We also have lots of Christmas tree photos! And photos from the many different places we’ve lived. As for iconic places in New England, I always wished we would have taken a picture in one of my favorite coastal towns, Rockport, Massachusetts. I’m not sure why they call this building Motif #1 but it would make an excellent background for a Christmas photo!

Liz: I love community Christmas tree lightings – so if a picture is possible in that setting, perfect. Otherwise, it’s always a good photo to have the dogs and cats sitting under the newly decorated tree!

Barb: I need one with one of those iconic lobster trap Christmas trees.

Readers: Where would you – or do you – stage your holiday photo?


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