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Wicked Wednesday: Happy Book Birthday Liz & Barb

book-birthday-hoorayWe are celebrating the book birthdays of Liz Mugavero (Custom Baked Murder) and Barbara Ross (Iced Under). Julia Snowden and Stan Connor have had a number of adventures so far, and we’re thrilled to read their latest. Wickeds, what are your New Year’s wishes for Julia and Stan?

Edith: Don’t get iced under or murdered (custom baked or otherwise)! More seriously, may your sleuthing brains sharpen, may your love lives thrive,  may murder not get too close to home, and may we see many,  many more new adventures from both of you.

Julie: May your adventures be great, and justice prevail. And may your VERY talented creators continue to bless us with stories.

Liz: Thanks for all the well wishes, Wickeds! Here’s hoping enough bodies fall to keep Stan and Julia in business for a good long time.

Jessie: I wish you both investigations galore and a tidal wave of crime in each of your towns!

Sherry: I’d like to wish both Stan and Julia a peaceful New Year but what fun would that be? So may they both always get their man/woman, may their relatives not drive them crazy, and may they continue to intrigue us with all of their twists and turns!

Barb: I wish Stan a huge success with the Pet Treat Bakery she’s hoping and planning for. And for Julia, I wish she finds a home where she is comfortable and happy.

Readers: New Year’s wishes for Stan and Julia? Please add yours!



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