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Opening Lines

NEW FLASH: Amy Buffalo is the winner of the Biscuits and Slashed Browns ARC from yesterday. Check your email, Amy!

Write an opening line for the following photograph:

Thanks once again to our hand model, Bill Carito. We do this once a year at Crime Bake and he’s always a good sport!

Jessie: Her mother had always said the germs in a public restroom could kill you.

Liz: Well, at least there won’t be a line for the bathroom.

Barb: And that was the last time he ever walked into the ladies room by mistake.

Edith:  See, I told him his skirt should be no longer than the little picture lady’s or he’d trip on it, but no, he had to wear his favorite floor-length number. Men!

Sherry: Hiding a body was way harder than I thought it would be.

Julie: I told him: no cutting in line. His own fault for underestimating a middle aged woman.

Readers: Add yours in the comments!

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