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Wicked Wednesday: Business Goals for 2018

Wicked Wednesday!The Wickeds are working on their goals for the new year, and today we’re weighing in on goals for our author businesses. These may be different than writing goals, and could include new websites, podcasts, Pinterest or more!

Jessie: I will be starting work on another historical series. I am chomping at the bit to get going on it and I am already planning a research trip to D.C. very shortly in order to get a proposal written.

Edith: I wish my goal were to get more organized on my author record-keeping, especially in the financial area, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t meet it. I know my limits, and my 2018 and 2019 are already pretty overloaded, so I won’t even try.  I already accomplished the new web site last fall and I love it, but it’s a new platform, so I’ll set my business goal as getting more comfortable with the format and being able to easily post to the site myself (instead of paying my web designer to do it).

Liz: I’ve been taking some steps to approach my writing as more of a business, and this year I want to up my game even more. A website refresh is definitely on my list. My alter ego, Cate, needs some love, both on the website and marketing materials front, so that’s probably my first goal.

Sherry: I want to get out there and meet more people. I’m excited about a couple of upcoming trips this spring. And I need to finally get going on a newsletter something I’ve been reluctant to do. And my website could use a refresh too!

Barb: I’d like to make a financial investment in my writing career this year. I figure the most important thing I can buy myself is time, so I am investigating hiring a virtual assistant.

Julie: In 2019 there will be another JH name launched, and I want to spend this year prepping for that, and supporting Julianne Holmes and J.A. Hennrikus. I’d like to up my game regarding marketing, and connecting. Like Sherry, I may figure out a newsletter. (Do readers like newsletters?) I look forward to hearing how Barb’s virtual assistant works out as well. Very tempting.

Readers, do you have any business goals looming in this new year? Any skills you want to add to your toolbox?

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