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A New Addition!

Congratulations Ashley Cate and Deb Price! You are the winners of the Murder Flies the Coop giveaway!

Jessie: In NH where the weather has been warm enough to make me long for the beach.

As so often happens in my world life has imitated art. I gave my first protagonist a Mini Cooper. Now I drive one. I set a series in England and last spring I went for a leisurely visit.

But recently, the most notable imitation of all has occured. Last Saturday, after many months of polite lobbying my son Theo brought home a poddle puppy. While I was very happy to provide one of my protagonists, Edwina Davenport, with her own little dog, I had not anticipated the arrival of one in my own household. You see, I have fairly severe allergies to dogs, cats, grasses, trees and many foods. We haven’t had a dog in more than 20 years.

In fact, my pet experience has most often been in the realms of goldfish and a beloved African Grey parrot named Miss Kim.  But, sometimes one must put one’s children first, swallow down allergy tablets and research the least allergenic of breeds. I am delighted to report that Sampson has had minimal impact upon my health. He has had quite a serious  impact upon my heart. With his bright eyes and calm demeanor he has utterly won me over.

That’s not to say it has not been a small adjustment.  Many years have passed since my  children have needed the sort of careful attention to their safety and oversight that this puppy seems to require.  And I must say, mercifully none of my children were as enchanted by rolls of toilet paper as Sampson seems to be!

While he has clearly  understands that my son is his primary person, he has been completely charming to everyone else in the family as well.  He loves to play with his toys with any one who visits.  Any family member who stands still for more than a few seconds will find him sitting on top of their feet. Even my husband who is not exactly a dog enthusiast has been caught giving him a thorough scratch along his belly and racing through the house, a chew toy in hand making silly noises.

This whole puppy thing is new to my family and I wish I could ask Edwina Davenport for some tips. She makes it all seem so easy as she takes her beloved Crumpet out for a good romp in the yard or snaps on his lead and promenades him into the village. We are still figuring out the best way to slip his harness over his floppy ears!  All and although, I think it has been a success.  And I wonder,  does this mean dog food and veterinary bills are a business expense?


Readers  do you have any tips to share about raising a puppy or even about dogs in general?  I have two copies of my new release, Murder Flies the Coop, for randomly drawn lucky commenters. Of course, there’s a picture of a dog on the cover! 

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