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The Wickeds Hit New York!

We did it! We arranged our schedules so we could all hit the Big Apple on the same day last week. We visited Kensington Publishing – our shared publisher – and our editors. On Wednesday we met in Connecticut and took the train into New York City Thursday morning.

Of course we had to do some window shopping on our walk to Kensington.

The publicity and marketing department spent a couple of hours with us, filming promotional videos and explaining their support efforts going forward, which are awesome. We had lunch with our editors, Larissa and Michele from marketing, and our agent. After lunch we toured around the Kensington offices meeting more people.

Publicist Larissa Ackerman

We spent another night in Connecticut, treating  it as a fun blog mini-retreat. At the last minute, Barb couldn’t join us, but it was for the best of reasons – her daughter was in labor with Barb’s second grandchild!

Wickeds, chime in and share your favorite part of the trip, and your pictures, too.

Those of us with John Scognamiglio (right)as our editor posed for a pic in his office along with John Talbot (left), agent for all the Wickeds.

Publisher Steve Zacharius, whose father founded the company, joined us for a picture in front of the company waterfall.

Liz: It was so much fun meeting the Kensington team – all the awesome people who make our books happen! We felt so welcomed and supported. It was truly a lovely experience. We got to sign our new books, record some fun videos and had a lot of laughs.

We have so many fun things in store for you readers in the coming year – appearances, new books, new series, the list goes on!

And don’t forget to enter the Kensington Halloween sweepstakes here for a chance to win our books and some fun Halloween-y prizes!

Jessie: I had such fun doing the videos with the other Wickeds ( we missed you so much, Barb!). I also loved meeting all the different staff members at Kensington and having the chance to put names to faces!

Julie: I am new to the Kensington family, and am thrilled to have joined them wearing my Julia Henry hat. I’m thinking about better ways to use social media, specifically Instagram, and got some great tips from them. We’re all working together, and that’s a wonderful feeling.

Sherry: I hadn’t been to NYC since fifth grade and was all agog. I took so many pictures and kept lagging behind as I took pictures. (New Yorkers, I tried to step to the side to snap pictures. I always hear the locals complain about tourists stopping in the middle of the sidewalks to take photos.) Of course it is always fun to spend time with my editor, Gary (on the left) and our agent, John Talbot. They’ve known each other for years and have some very funny stories. Getting to meet the behind the scenes people at Kensington was fabulous.

Barb: I so missed coming on this Wicked road trip, but this is why I stayed home.

New granddaughter Etta.

Edith: The rest of us shared a lovely dinner overlooking Long Island Sound the last night, and then stayed up too late talking and emptying a bottle or two.

Readers: Have you ever been to New York City? And have you ever missed an event for a reason as good as Barb’s?

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