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The Wickeds Hit Crime Bake

Edith here, still recovering from a fabulous (and teensy bit stressful, since I was co-chair of the whole affair) New England Crime Bake.

All the Wickeds were there once again! So, ladies, share your favorite pictures and your favorite moments!

Edith: I was so lucky to have C. Michele Dorsey as my calm experienced conference co-chair.

We had one hour to go before the end of Crime Bake, so we’re tired and happy.

Our guest of honor, the great Walter Mosley, was brilliant and entertaining and generous with his time. We awarded Kate Flora, a friend and mentor to many of us, the well-deserved Lifetime Achievement Award.

Here I am with Walter and Kate. She was delighted to have a tiara as part of the package!

Liz: As usual, the whole weekend was fabulous (great job, Edith and Michele!), and Walter Mosley was an incredible guest of honor. He has such an interesting way of looking at the world, and I felt fortunate to be privy to some of his insights. Here he is, being interview by Michele Dorsey. And of course, spending time with the Wicked gang is always the best part of this weekend, and of course seeing all our other friends from near and far! My other highlight – teaching a master class with Julie! We taught about seven steps to create an author’s life that feeds your soul. And we had a blast!

Sherry: Crime Bake is always fantastic. I always love being in New England and being around New Englanders. Usually when I’m at Crime Bake I’m just an attendee but this year I also had my Sisters in Crime president role. I got to sit in on the SinC New England chapter’s board meeting and talk to them briefly, was on a panel, and sat at the head table right next to Walter Mosley. In my attendee role I went to two incredible master classes — one with Walter Mosley and one taught by Julie Hennrikus and Liz Mugavero. The panels I attended were fantastic. Then as everyone has said seeing friends and encouraging a just starting on her writing journey author. I always learn so much while I’m there. I also bought books and got them signed!

Barb: This was my most relaxing Crime Bake in years since I wasn’t on the committee or giving a big presentation. I realize my history at mystery conferences is the same as my history at conferences when I was in the educational technology industry. First you go like a sponge, taking every class, attending every session, writing notes furiously. As the years go by, you become focused on business meetings and your own presentations. Finally, you reach the stage I’m at now, where you have a list of friends you absolutely want to touch base with. I got to see a bunch of them, but only saw some others across a crowded room. Regretting that now. Next time, I may make an actual list.

Julie: I had such a wonderful time seeing the Wickeds, but like Barb I didn’t see so many folks! Edith did a great job as co-chair. Michele Dorsey did a wonderful interview with Walter Mosley. And Walter Mosley was a really wonderful Guest of Honor, laying down truth tracks about the life of a writer that both inspired and were grounding. Liz and I had a wonderful time teaching our class. I also really enjoyed talking to folks who were new to Crime Bake. It is such a great conference for writers, and it was great to see so many folks soaking it in.

Readers: Sherry is giving away one of the books she bought at Crime Bake. It’s a signed copy of A Borrowing of Bones by Paula Munier. It’s the first in a new series and Sherry loved it. Which do you like better starting a new series or staying with the tried and true? Leave a comment below or just say hi for a chance to win.

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