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The Best of Thanksgiving–Leftovers Edition

Hi Wickeds. Everyone knows Thanksgiving includes the famous feast, but one of my favorite holiday traditions is the day and even the weekend after the big event when we have that best part of the Thanksgiving holiday–leftovers.

So spill it, Wickeds. What is your favorite after-Thanksgiving treat? Besides revenge, what is the dish best served cold?

Jessie: I love to make an open-faced stuffing waffle sandwich. You spread leftover stuffing onto a preheated waffle maker and bake until hot and crispy. Then you make a sort of turkey salad filling. I mix some mayo, a spoonful of cranberry sauce and a dollop of chipotle in adobo sauce together with chopped, leftover turkey. I pile it onto the stuffing waffle and eat it with a knife and fork. Delicious!

Julie: Jessie, I need to try that this year! It sounds delicious. I love it all. We make roasted root vegetables that are great all for the next meals, and work well in sandwiches too. I make GREAT candied yams, but they rarely make it to the left over stage, and are best warm. And of course, the desserts are better the next day, especially when you have room to really enjoy them.

Liz: My Thanksgiving dinner is usually comprised of sides since I don’t do turkey. I love to make lots of roasted veggies , which are good either warmed up or added to salads. And also, pumpkin pie!

Edith: Pie for breakfast! I always make three kinds, and usually two pumpkin pies, so we have leftovers. Yum. And I love my mother’s bread stuffing: torn up bread, onions and celery sauteed in loads of butter, poultry seasonings like sage and rosemary, and chopped walnuts. I like it so much I can eat it cold the next day.

Sherry: I love to make a casserole of leftover stuffing, turkey, and some gravy. It’s heaven. It’s something my mom always did and her stuffing is the best.

Barb: Pie for breakfast the day after Thanksgiving is a favorite of my kids and their families. I usually make an “extra” apple pie and leave it home when we go to my sister-in-law’s. But my favorite is a turkey sandwich, the best part of Thanksgiving dining for me.  Toasted white bread, mayo, turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce. Yum!

Readers, which leftovers are your favorites? Leave a comment for a chance to win a hardcover copy of Murder Flies the Coop by Jessica Ellicott!

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