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A Peek At My Office

Hi, Sherry here — trying to stay warm in Virginia

I was sitting in my office staring out the window yesterday and trying to think of something to write about for the blog today — yes, I procrastinated. I looked around and decided to share some of the things that surround me as I write — the things that make me happy — minus the messy bits. And anyone who’s visited my house knows there are messy bits.

The first thing I see when I walk in my office is a present from my mom. A great review of Tagged for Death in Mystery Scene magazine came out just as the Agatha Award nominations were announced. Mom had the articles clipped and framed.

Right below it is a TV tray that my parents got as a wedding gift.

When I’m sitting at my desk and look straight ahead I see the painting below. It’s between  the two windows in my office. I love it because of the message and because I found it at a craft show I attended with two dear friends.

This is the window on the right side of the office. My mom made the valance for me out of a piece of vintage fabric I found in an antique store in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. This was long before I thought about writing a series set there. The curtain is a set a friend gave to me. And the view — well thanks Mother Nature. I confess the view out the other window is of my neighbor’s house. If I look to my right I see the target from graduation at the Fairfax County Citizens Police Academy. When my husband saw the target he thought I hadn’t done well because the other participant’s targets were full of holes. However, when I told him I’d only shot twice he was impressed. It was the first (and probably last) time I’ve ever shot a gun. It’s hard to see in the photo, but one shot is in the shoulder under the gun and the other is in the chest in the middle box. Also to the right is a painting my daughter painted in fifth grade of our family. I love it and still have that red jacket!

This is the sign on my doorknob — not that anyone pays attention to it.

Behind my desk is a big poster of Tagged for Death — my first book.

To the left of my desk is a bulletin board of things I love. I’m not sure I can fit one more thing on it.

Also to the left are some favorite pictures and a bookcase I bought at a thrift shop for thirty dollars. The white stuffed seal is the “official” seal of Sisters in Crime. It’s passed from president to president.

And last is the upper right corner of my desk. Just little things people have given me or that I’ve collected. They all make me happy. Readers: Do you have a room where you are surrounded by things that make you happy? What’s your favorite thing in that room?






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