Our Characters’ New Year’s Resolutions


Welcome to 2019 , readers! Today, the Wickeds are revealing their characters’ resolutions for the new year. We thought it would be fun to give you a sneak peek into what they’re planning to do — and not do!

Hopefully none of them are resolving not to find more dead bodies…

Edith: Mac Almeida  in the Cozy Capers Book Group Mysteries resolves to try to relax her somewhat obsessive neat freak tendencies. Robbie Jordan resolves to research her father’s Italian ancestors during the slow winter months at her country store. And Rose Carroll back in 1889 wants to start writing down some of her midwifery tricks of the trade. Who knows, maybe she’ll even write a book!

Liz: Maddie James in the Cat Cafe Mysteries resolves to bring green juice to Daybreak Island – she’s determined to open a second business. Stan Connor in the Pawsitively Organic series resolves to hire people to staff her pet patisserie so she doesn’t have to work all the time!

Julie: Lilly Jayne in the Garden Squad series resolves to get back out into society, with the help of her friends. Sully Sullivan resolves to stick to theater, no more sleuthing. (She fails in this, I promise.)

Jessie: Beryl in the  Beryl and Edwina Mysteries resolves to drive a bit more sedately when Edwina is in the motorcar with her. Edwina resolves to allow Simpkins to be right about a decision in the garden at least once each week.

Sherry: Sarah is terrible at making and keeping resolutions. However, she’s determined to work on her poker face, be a bit less trusting, and to try and learn to cook!

Barb: Julia is in her second winter in Busman’s Harbor and isn’t thinking about returning to her life in New York. Therefore, her resolutions are about putting down roots in her community–making friends her own age, people unconnected to her through her boyfriend Chris or her sister Livvie, finding a place to volunteer during the off-season and maybe even a hobby.

Readers:  Do you or your character have  a resolution?


9 Thoughts

  1. Happy New Year! It is a very good thing that all of these are characters in books, as I don’t know how I would manage living next door to and working with them all! They do feel like family and friends, and for that, I thank all of you!
    It is going to be a great year, one filled with reading so many good books!

  2. Happy New Year! May your year be filled with fun, adventures, love and and happiness and the health to enjoy it.

    My resolution is “do it”. I resolve to not put off for another day. Take that trip, tell those near to me how much they mean to me, read that book on the TBR list, speak to that newbie in town – just do it. We are not guaranteed tomorrow so I plan on making 2019 the best yet, step out of my comfort zone, try the new, relish the old and be all the “me” I can be.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  3. Some of these resolutions sound like interesting places to jump off into a plot. Can’t wait to see where that takes these characters.

  4. I resolve to read all the Wickeds’ books I haven’t already read to see if the characters keep their resolutions. I probably won’t succeed, but it sure will be fun to try.

  5. Happy New Year!

    Jim Duncan resolves to be a bit more open to possible relationships and not so focused on work all the time.

    Sally Castle resolves to think a bit more before she acts and not be so convinced she’s right all the time.

    Whether or not they’ll be successful is yet to be determined. 🙂

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