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Wicked Wednesday – Goal Setting Tips

Welcome to Wednesday! So I consider January kind of a pseudo-month – it’s the start of the year and we’re all amped up about it, but it’s also the month where we’re recovering from the year-end flurry of activity and really looking at what we want from the year ahead.

Thinking about goal setting this year, I turned to one of my gurus, Marie Forleo. She always has tips and tricks to get things done smarter, faster and better, and her steps to set goals is no different. The video below is all about the two main components: Pruning and purging. If you want to watch, I’d encourage you to do so. Otherwise, here’s the skinny:

The purge: Make a list of everything you want to get done in three areas of your life – yourself, your relationships and your business/professional life. Basically a brain dump.

The prune: Choose only the things that support what you really want your life to be like and who you want to become.

So that’s what I’m doing this week!

Wickeds, do you use a process to set your goals? 

Edith: No process, other than making lists. At this point in my life, my goals for my personal life and relationships are pretty straightforward. My work life requires a lot of advance planning, looking ahead to deadlines and figuring out how to meet them, trying out new ways of reaching readers, that kind of thing. So I make daily to-do lists, keep a couple of calendars, have a long-term list on the white board, and chip away at it, word by word, day by day. So far it seems to be working.

Julie: I am working on getting Your Ladders soaring, and between that and launching a new series, I have a lot of purging and pruning to do. Re goal setting–I try to not set too many, so that I have a better chance of achieving them. I also differentiate between goals and projects. Goals have more impact on my life, projects keep things moving. I have set a health goal, a business goal for Your Ladders, and a couple of audacious writing goals. I write them down, and then write down the steps I need to do to get there. Then I put deadlines by the steps, and check in weekly.

Sherry: Like Edith, I don’t have a very formal process. I have lots of reminders on my phone so I don’t lose track of things I’m supposed to do. I have had to prune back on social engagements and I hate that because I’m such a social person. I keep thinking next month I’ll have more time. So far next month hasn’t come.

Barb: For many years our corporate process of goal setting and budgeting was ingrained in me. Honestly, I loved it. I always said goals should turn you green but not have you actively puking, since that led to paralysis and people thinking “that goal is not really the goal.” I still pretty much adhere to that last one today–green but not actively puking.

Jessie: I choose a theme each year that really resonates with me. I start thinking about it well before the end of the previous year and really spend a chunk of time turning it over in my mind. I use my theme as a litmus test for my goals, aspirations and plans. I ask which goals in different aspects of life line up with the big picture that is the theme. I find it really easy to make decisions about the projects and other commitments based on how well each align with my established theme.

Readers, do you use any special process to set goals? Tell us about them!

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