Cover Reveal-Murder Cuts the Mustard!

Jessie: Snowbound in New Hampshire where the puppy keeps insisting on going outside anyway!

murder cuts the mustard

One of the many fun parts for me of the publishing process is getting a first look at a cover for one of my books. It always seems like such a long time between the time a book is proposed to an editor and when it actually releases to the public that all the little steps along the way feel so encouraging. Sort of like adding a stripe to a scarf one is knitting. It  doesn’t mean the project is ready to wear just yet but it makes one feel progress is being made.

With that in mind it is my pleasure to share the cover for the third Beryl and Edwina Mystery with all of  you! I think the colors are cheerful to behold in the depths of winter and the whole thing is rather eye-catching.

Readers, I’d love to hear what sorts of covers attract your attention when browsing bookshelves and online book vending sites. Writers, how do you feel about the cover process? 

37 Thoughts

  1. Congrats on getting to this stage of the pregnancy of your book! Can’t wait for the birth announcement. 🤗 I’m attracted to bright, cheery covers, titles with punny names, and cats. Light-hearted cozies are my escape.

  2. I love your new cover! I do my own covers, so I’m sure my process is quite different than yours. At times it’s fun, at other times it’s a drag. Just like writing the book, really!

  3. I love the cover. I am attracted to covers with bright colors and art that tells me a little bit of what I can expect in the story. That’s why I love cozy covers!

  4. That is so cute, I love a good cover! Good ones that face out or spines with good color or font have made me grab many a book to look at that I may not have normally seen.

  5. Oh my goodness, what a cover! The colours and the picnic say Spring!
    I must admit that the first thing, other than the author, that draws me to a book is the cover. I have tried to break that habit, but it is hard!
    I am so excited about this new book and cannot wait to see what adventures they have!

  6. Covers where it shows something of the story (like this and this is fun!) rather than stock photos with a dog/cat/person stuck in front!

  7. Covers really attract me to cozies. I love this type of cover – the colors, the tone it sets, and the fact that we can see the main characters — it says so much about what’s inside. It’s a really great cover and certainly makes me want to read the book! Congratulations!

  8. LOVE the cover for “Murder Cuts the Mustard” and can’t wait to read more adventures of Beryl and Edwina!

    I’m drawn by the colors and content of a cover. I think that’s why I love cozy covers so much. They tell a story and it’s fun to look for little clues to the what’s inside.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Thanks so much, Kay! I can’t wait for the book to be available to all of you! I keep almost saying things that happen in it on FB posts or in my newsletter!

  9. I love your covers so much that when Kensington asked me for ideas for Jane Darrowfield, Professional Busybody, I said, “I like Jessica Ellicott’s.”

  10. I too enjoy bright colorful covers. I like animals on the cover if they are in the book. They don’t have to have a major role just being a character’s pet is enough. I don’t need plot points on the cover but I hate when they don’t agree with the story. Like romance stories that have the wrong hair color on the lovers on the cover.

  11. If it looks cheerful and fun it will join the other 6413 in my Kindle app file.

      1. Not ALL are cheerful and fun, but when going through all the FREE BOOKS sites, those are the ones I tend to snap up. Other books in the queue include “Please read my book and tell me what you think.” Since I tend to edit as I read (hold-over from my proof reading days), reading is NOT a quick and easy process.

  12. Love this cover as much as I have those of your previous books. They brighten up my bookshelves and are such a pleasure to look at. Like mini works of art.

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