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Wicked Wednesday -Wicked Goals

We’ve been talking a lot about planning for our goals. Now it’s time for the big reveal: Wickeds, what goals do you want to hit this year? What’s on your must-do list, writing or otherwise?

Edith: I WILL meet three (gulp) deadlines and promote four books at release time: Charity’s Burden, Strangled Eggs and HamChristmas Cocoa Murder, and Judge Thee Not. But I also have a freshly born inspiration. I think I figured out a new historical mystery, riffing on my grandmother’s automobile drive with her younger brother across the country in 1917. I really want to write it. It involves a whole new set of research, and it’s a stretch goal. We’ll see if I make it!

Julie: Edith, that idea sounds wonderful! Why am I not surprised you’re related to someone who drove across the country in 1917? I am SO excited about launching Julia Henry’s new series next week, and Pruning the Dead finally getting in the hands of readers. My goals are to write a wonderful third book for that series, to launch Pruning the Dead, With a Kiss I Die (Theater Cop #2), and Tilling the Truth (Garden Squad #2) well.  I’d like to have another series started as well. I am also doing a new launch for Your Ladders, my online business school for performing artists. My goal there is huge success!

Barb: This year will be one of teaming back and thinking about my priorities–in life and in my writing. Once I hand in the book I’m working on, I will only have one book under contract for the first time in a long time. I want to think about what I’m doing and what I want to achieve.

Jessie: I am working on the fourth Beryl and Edwina mystery. I also am noodling on a couple of new book ideas that are bringing me joy. My theme for the year is Level Up and I hope to do that with many of the things I already have under way like better attention to my social media presence and a more organized approach to  things like my email and filing protocols. I also want to be sure to make time for the sorts of little things that make life more fun like knitting myself more handknit socks and lighting a scented candle in my office each day when I start to work.

Liz: I am working on the first book in a new series and my goal is to make it awesome! I’m also looking forward to a successful launch of my seventh Pawsitively Organic Mystery, Murder She Meowed, and the third book in my Cat Cafe series, Tell Tail Heart. Like Julie, I’m also launching a new business venture, and my goal is to attract my soul clients – women who need to regain their creative selves and need help doing so – and I’m also intending great success. And I want to focus on doing things that have meaning – and enjoying the year. 

Sherry: We all seem to have a lot of overlapping threads. Like Edith, I’m writing three books this year. Like Barb I want to pull back and look at my life. I’m sharing a launch date with Julie. Like Liz one of the books I’m writing is the first in a new series — the Chloe Jackson Redneck Riviera mysteries. It’s going to be a challenging and fun year.

Readers, what are your goals for the year? Let us know!

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