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A Love Letter to the Crime Fiction Community

Dear Crime Fiction Community,

I love you. I love being part of this community and I love knowing you – even if it’s only virtually.

Yes, I get a little emotional every time a new book comes out. The release of The Gun Also Rises is no exception. It’s the sixth book in the Sarah Winston Garage Sale mystery series. I was shocked to get even one book published and here I am at six with more to come. But without the crime fiction community I’d only being writing for my own pleasure.

I love the authors I’ve met. They are generous, funny, talented, amazing people. So few of them have giant egos and so many of them are willing to lend a hand. And yes, I have to reflect for a moment – oh, no backstory – but I can’t let a release day go by without mentioning Julie Hennrikus, our chance meeting at the Malice Domestic banquet, and what a life changing event that was. And now our books are shelved next to each other in New Fiction! Trust me, we stood in many a line waiting to pitch to agents before this happened.

I met the other Wickeds along the way. We laugh, cry, bitch, moan, support, celebrate, retreat, email, and laugh some more. How lucky am I?!!!!

Being a member of Sisters in Crime has introduced me to so many people, made me work harder, and dig deeper. The members give so much and enrich my life.

Bloggers – thank you, thank you, thank you. None of you are getting paid and yet you spare the time to read my books and review them. You are heroes.

Readers – when Tagged for Death came out I was terrified that everyone would hate it. You didn’t—well, a few of you did but as Julie says that’s why there’s different colored refrigerators. You write me, became invested in my characters, and root for Sarah along with me.

So thank you, my lovely crime fiction community, for embracing me, lifting me up, and sharing this crazy author journey with me. Life would be bleak without you.


Best regards

Yours respectfully



Readers: What community lifts you up? Or just say hi! I’ll give away a copy of The Gun Also Rises to someone who leaves a comment.

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