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Ask the Expert- Editor Lisa J. Jackson

Jessie: In New Hampshire feeling amazed that the temperatures are above freezing!

I meet Lisa several years ago at the New England Crime Bake. Julie introduced us and we have been friends ever since. We check in with each other weekly to catch up on goals, accomplishments and life in general. She has an unerring eye for detail and a a deep-seated ability to untangle messes while keeping a cool head. I am delighted to have her visit us here on the Wickeds today to give us her perspective on working with an independent editor!

Editing: It’s More than Accepting Suggestions from a Spelling and Grammar Checker

I’ve been a fan of puzzles since a young age, (thank you Dell Magazines) and mysteries (thank you Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys). Professional editing came along from doing book reviews of ARCs (advanced review copies) of novels. Editing, for me, is fun – I get to read a lot of different writers, help solve mysteries (if there are issues in a manuscript), and help writers present their best work to the world.

Today I’m sharing a few tips and tidbits about how to get the best editing for your manuscript.

As a novelist, you know your story inside and out. You’ve been living with it for months, even years. You know the characters, you know the details, you know their stories as well as your own family’s.

However, because you are so intimate with your characters, and even though you’ve re-read your manuscript several times, you have blind spots. These blind spots come to light when an editor reads your story and asks, “What did you mean here?” and your reaction is, “What do you mean? It says right there.” You search for the details, and… don’t find them. You remember the exact day and minute you wrote a particular paragraph, yet it’s not there. Or you recall one particular line of dialogue… yet it isn’t on the page. But you knowthe details; they do exist!

Where did these details go? It doesn’t matter where they went. They may never have ended up flowing through your fingertips onto the screen at all. Or you may have sliced them in an earlier revision. It doesn’t matter what happened to them. It only matters that an editor has pointed out that they are missing (or inconsistent), and you have a chance to add them (back) in before submitting for publication.

An editor offers a fresh set of eyes to focus on every aspect of your manuscript. Fresh professional eyes that can notice issues that you (the author) cannot; that family and friends won’t mention for fear of hurting your feelings; or that critique group members who are unfamiliar with your genre simply overlook. 

There is a way for you to catch some issues: self-editing.

A few great self-editing actions to practice:

Self-editing is akin to simple proofreading help: it can aid you in fixing typos, spelling, and missing punctuation. 

A next step is to have an unbiased reader, or editor, read the manuscript and offer feedback. Critique groups can be helpful, but everyone has an opinion, so you need to be cautious there. A line editor can help you polish the novel to make sure every line expresses exactly what is intended.

A comprehensive content editor does it all, and then some: she proofreads, line edits, and copy edits, as well as questions inconsistencies, plot holes, verifies details, and makes suggestions for improvement. A content editor doesn’t rewrite sentences or paragraphs; but offers suggestions for making the writing better. It’s important that the story remain in your voice – it’s your story – so anyone rewriting your work would change that voice.

Hiring an independent editor can help you fine-tune your novel before submitting to a publisher, or self-publishing. How do you find the right independent or freelance editor? Ask fellow authors. Look in the Acknowledgements sections of novels you’ve enjoyed to see if the writer thanked his/her editor. Ask book reviewers for recommendations. Do a search on writers’ blogs such as this one for ‘editor’ or ‘editing.’ 

When contacting an independent editor, expect to be asked for some sample pages of your manuscript for her to read and do a sample edit on. When submitting to an editor, make sure the document is in the standard format: single space between sentences, double space between sentences; 1” margins all around; 12 point Times New Roman or Courier font. It’s important that you receive the feedback you are seeking (and paying for), so you want to see what she offers. Microsoft Word is a common tool to work in – if you aren’t familiar with the Track Changes feature, mention that to the editor at the start.

Then, when your novel is a polished as possible and you are submitting to a publisher, follow this one golden rule: Always follow the publisher’s guidelines. Always. Do not give a publisher an overt reason to reject your submission.

Lisa J. Jackson has been helping writers in all genres polish their manuscripts for over 30 years. You can connect with her on LinkedIn , Facebook , Alignable , Instagram , and Twitter. She’s also a fiction writer, author interviewer, member and Programs director for Sisters in Crime – New England, and book reviewer using the pseudonym Lisa Haselton, but those are stories for another time.

Readers and writers, what questions do you have about editing in general, or about seeking out an independent editor?

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