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Wicked Wednesday: Fun in Cambridge

We Wickeds love spending time together, and last weekend was no exception. Wickeds, what was your favorite part of the Cozy Con?

Jessie: My favorite part was much as it ever is at such events. I love spending time with other people who love the mystery genre as much as I do whether those people are readers, librarians, booksellers or other writers! I always come away from events like the Kensington Convention energized and ready to get back to my work-in-progress!

Liz: Being together with all the Wickeds is always so much fun – seeing all of you is good for my soul. It was a lovely event and I’m so grateful to Kensington for putting it on. As Jessie said, meeting everyone who loves mysteries is the best – it’s a wonderful community and I’m grateful to be part of it.

Sherry: Other than seeing all of you there were two wonderful moments. The first was my friend’s daughter who is attending Northeastern stopping by to say hi. She lived two doors down from me when we lived on Hanscom Air Force Base and was about six when we met. She still has the same beautiful smile and enthusiasm for life. The second one seeing my books in the Cambridge Library! Scratch the two wonderful moments — I too have to add meeting the other authors and readers attending the event. It was fun!

Barb: Thanks to Kensington for giving us all a chance to get together. It was great seeing all of the authors and some notable cozy fans. (You know who you are.) I also got to meet Larissa Ackerman, my publicist at Kensington, (the other Wickeds met her on that trip to New York City that I missed) and her delightful mother-in-law who lives in Maine, and with whom I was hatching evil plans!

Julie: It was great seeing the Wickeds, and so many of our writing friends! Missi Stockwell, from Missi’s Book Reviews, came to the event and said hello to all the authors, which is always great. I also was happy to see my sister and nieces in the audience. Friends, if you have the opportunity to go to one of these events, please do! We love meeting readers, and there time for great conversations.

Edith: What a whirlwind weekend, which started off with Julie’s and my book launch party the night before the Cozy Con. We even had three uber-fans – talking about you, Missi Stockwell, Lynn Ambrosino, and Margaret Rusthton – who attended both events! What a delight to talk with enthusiastic mystery fans. I also chatted with Larissa’s mother – who is a Quaker – and we promised to stay in touch. I got to know LA Chandler a little, one of my fellow Agatha nominees this year, and it was lovely to visit with our author pal Cheryl Hollon, who came all the way up from Florida for the event (and had dinner with the Wickeds and some associated menfolk after).

Thanks, Kensington!

Friends, what reader/author events do you enjoy?

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