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Wicked Wednesday: Wickeds on Retreat

Readers, have you noticed it’s a little quieter out there? The Wickeds are on our annual retreat, the time when we do a lot of Very Serious Wicked Business–and laugh and eat a lot.

Wickeds, what is something you want to make sure we do, or discuss or decide while we’re on retreat?

Julie: I love our Wicked retreat. We do have business to discuss, but I’m looking forward to brainstorming writing goals, and maybe doing vision boards. Jessie is also going to teach me how to read my tarot cards, so I’m looking forward to that!

Sherry: Julie, I agree that I love our brainstorming sessions. I’m working on From Beer to Eternity and can’t wait for you to all chime in on my concerns! And I love our late night gabfests.

Jessie: I’m looking forward to tinkering about with the woo-woo with you, Julie! I am also looking forward to setting aside time for a back-burner project and to talking about the state of the world as we know it with all of you! There is so much value in in spending time on the physical plane with those you value!

Jessie always makes us fondue on the first night of our retreat.spending time on the physical plane with those you value!

Edith: These ladies put this early bird to the test with those late-night gab fests, but I do my best to keep my eyes open, because I don’t want to miss a minute of of our rare face-to-face time. I’ll be tweaking my current manuscript, but also taking plotting walks on the beach, and of course, solving all the problems of the publishing world with my wise-women blogmates!

Every retreat requires bags of chips.

Liz: I love all of these things, but I’m looking forward to getting to the finish line – or at least really close – with Witch Hunt, my book due July 1. And of course spending time in person with all of you lovelies!

Barb: I love this annual event, which is part business meeting and part slumber party. Like Edith, I look forward to solving all the problems of the writing and publishing worlds. Now if only people would listen to us. Oh, to be Queens for the Day.

Readers: Your turn! What would you like to see us do or do more of on the blog, Facebook, Group, newsletter, and so on? Things you could live without? All suggestions cheerfully reviewed!

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