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Wicked Wednesday: What We’re Working On Now

The Wickeds are back from retreat and ready to hit the ground running. So that begs the question: Wickeds, what are you working on now/next?

Julie: I turned in Garden Squad #3, Digging Up the Remains, on June 1, so I have some space to write. For some complicated reasons, I am going to get A Christmas Peril back online, and I’m also going to look into getting an audio version of the book. I have a thriller that I’ve plotted, and I am going to get the first draft done.

Edith: I can’t wait to read Garden Squad #2 AND #3, Julie! I’m almost done polishing Country Store Mystery #8 (possibly titled The Gingerdead Man), and Quaker Midwife #6 is up next on my writing schedule. I love starting a new book, especially since Rose travels to West Falmouth on Cape Cod in this one. I can’t wait.

Jessie: Julie, I’d love to hear what you discover about audiobooks! And Edith, taking your character to a new place seems like a fun way to keep a series fresh. I’d love to hear if you enjoy doing it that way! As for me, I am noodling up the storyline for the fifth of the Beryl and Edwina Mysteries. I have ideas I just love for books five and six and am not sure which to work on first! I love being spoilt for choice!

Barb: While we were at the retreat, Jessie coached me through plotting Jane Darrowfield #2, tentatively titled Jane Darrowfield and the Madwoman Next Door, so I am excited to move forward with that. Thank you, Jessie!

Sherry: Barb, I love that title and can’t wait to read the book! And yes dear readers, Julie and I did get Barb to spill most of the plot line. We are in for a treat with this series! I’m continuing to work on From Beer to Eternity. It’s the first book in the Chloe Jackson Redneck Riviera series. The Wickeds gave me some great perspective on the book while we were on retreat.

Edith: That title crushes, Sherry!

Liz: It totally does! I’m still wrapping up Witch Hunt, the first in my new Full Moon series, and I’m working on synopses for more Cat Cafe books. But after that I have a whole summer of productivity planned, from revising a suspense novel that’s been waiting for my attention, to starting a whole new calendaring system that will (hopefully) make my life easier!

Readers: Tell us about a current or future project you’re excited about.

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