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Writer’s Best Friend

Jessie: Just back to the coast of Maine from a whirlwind trip to NYC

Back in the autumn my family added a puppy to our household. For a lot of families that would not be a novel experience. But for us it was a big change. We had a couple of dogs when I was a teenager and I even brought one along with me when I moved out of my parents’ home. Years later I adopted a very senior dog and our time together was of regrettably short duration. My kids barely remember the toothless little creature.

Since I have an unpleasant dog allergy remaining a canine-free household always seemed wise. Besides, with four kids needing the things children always do I felt like I didn’t have much more to cheerfully give to another dependent creature. But, situations change. The kids got older and more independent. Two have become adults who live on their own. One is a college kid. The youngest will graduate from high school soon. My husband now travels for work incessantly. Suddenly, a dog didn’t seem like quite such a bad idea.

Working from home can be lonely business, especially when the family has mostly flown the nest. Which brings me to Sampson. Since he is a poodle he doesn’t seem to cause an allergy problem even when he spends the day lounging about my office or enjoying some nightly cuddle time snuggled up with me on the sofa.

Besides an unfortunate proclivity towards stealing pens and sticky notes from my desk he has been a lovely addition to my writing life. He listens without interrupting when I tell him about an idea I have for a book. He cocks an expressive eyebrow when I read him a line from my work-in-progress. He insistently reminds me to get outside for some fresh air several times every day. He even inspires some of the behavior exhibited by Crumpet, the terrier in my Beryl and Edwina mysteries.

Last Thursday Sam had his first birthday. I can’t believe that a this time last year we didn’t know each other at all and now he has become this writer’s best friend.

Readers, do you have any pets? Tell me about them! Writers, do you have an animal companion who keeps you company as you work away on your latest masterpiece?

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