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Wicked Wednesday-Recharge

Jessie- In Maine, enjoying the pace of life at the beach.

When life gets hectic we all need a little time to recharge our batteries and it seems to me summer is the perfect time to find the time to do just that. This week I am wondering how and where each of you recharge your batteries. What about a memory of a time you did just that.

Julie: There are so many ways to recharge my batteries. Rest will do that, for sure. But I find that travel recharges my batteries in a wonderful way. I’ve take a couple of river cruises in the past five years, and I can’t speak highly enough of the experience. Gentle cruising, lots of sightseeing, only having to unpack once, good food. A lovely way to recharge.

Edith: I recommend a dose of other people’s little children. I get to hang out with my favorite toddler (my great goddaughter) nearly monthly, and she’s such a delight as she explores the world, language, and her own will. I was at a potluck Friday that included a two year old and a five year old grandchild of two Quakers. So much fun to play and talk with them! Children are just present, a recharging lesson I very much need.

Liz: Time with good friends is definitely a favorite way to recharge. And reading – lots of reading. Especially at the beach. Most recently, I’ve started hiking more and I find that’s a wonderful way to get grounded and get some exercise. I always leave feeling recharged.

Barb: Wait–we’re supposed to recharge? Why does no one tell me anything?

Jessie: I’m afraid so, Barb! Consider this your notice! I would love to take a river cruise like Julie! Until then, I spend time walking the beach, hosting gatherings of friends and knitting.

Edith: Haha, Barb – but, ahem. Aren’t you currently at the beach with grandkids? You have two primary recharging stations covered right there!

Sherry: I’m with Barb. There hasn’t been a lot of time for recharging this year. But I’m thinking about booking a cruise in November. I don’t even care if I get off the ship. I just want to gaze at the water and not have to be responsible for anything.

Readers: what do you do to recharge your batteries?

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