A Tale of Two Rescues, Part II

By Liz, picking up where I left off last month…

So. Where was I? I think we were just about to pick up Penny when I left off last month.

Of course, her name was Wizzy then, which I kept for a couple of months until the animal communicator told me it probably was contributing to her excitable personality. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

I picked her up less than a week after I got Molly. I didn’t plan it that way, but the rescue was a little disorganized and she was on a transport before I even knew I was getting her. When I met her, she was as adorable as in her photos. Molly came with me and she was interested in her new friend – until “Wizzy” peed in the backseat on the way home (I wonder if that had anything to do with her name?). Then Molly came up front with me and decided she didn’t want to get so friendly yet.

Unfortunately, Penny’s entry was a little rocky. She had parasites and an upset tummy and was clearly not feeling well for the first week. Actually, if I’m honest, the first six months of Penny’s being home was a little rocky. She was a wild child, for sure. She played rough, she was hyper, she ate her food so fast I worried she’d have constant indigestion. She was also very jealous, and had violent, fearful reactions to seeing dogs outside on leash. A couple of times, she and Molly had real fights that scared me enough to prompt my engagement with a “lifetime” trainer.

The trainer helped, and having a real family who didn’t give up on her has helped even more. Her progress is more like baby steps than leaps and bounds. Compared to Molly, who is seriously the easiest dog (next to Shaggy), Penny can be challenging.

But she’s getting better, little by little. And one thing is for sure – she is one of the most loving dogs you’ll find. She’s cuddly and loves to snuggle and always has to be near me, or at least see me. She’s like my little shadow and follows me everywhere, even to the bathroom. She loves getting and giving kisses.

As someone said to me recently, she just wants love – and she’ll give buckets of it in return. She still roughhouses with Molly and gets mad at other dogs in the building. She still eats really fast like she’s afraid she won’t get enough. She’s still super hyper.

But Molly and I love her, and she’s home.

Readers, share something you’ve found challenging but worth it in your life below!

16 Thoughts

  1. We had similar challenges with Jax. He had a massive worm infestation when we got him. We didn’t even have him two weeks when he was hospitalized for that. Doctors gave him a 80% chance of surviving and gave us kudos because they said most people would put the puppy down. At 6 weeks old! NOT an option we ever considered. After 24 hours at the hospital, he came home, still with fleas, but he’s a happy, healthy 5 year old now. And the best dog we could ever hope for. So we saved Jax twice. Once at the rescue and again when he got sick. And he shows his gratitude every day, all the time. Just like Penny does!

  2. When I adopted Skye kitty (now Angel Skye), I knew she’d gone into the rescue with fleas and skin issues and was told she had food allergies. Having just gone through cancer with my previous fur baby, I figured Skye’s problems were minor. A few weeks later, my vet diagnosed her with Bartonella’s, a hideous and incurable disease that was caused by the fleas and was the true cause of her other problems. She was fearful at first, especially since I had to give her meds, but over time she became my best buddy and seemed to know all the shots and the yucky stuff I forced on her was for her own good. She went into remission for a number of years before starting a horrible downward spiral until I allowed her to go over the Rainbow Bridge where she’s free of misery. (Okay, I’m crying now.) Bless you, Liz, for not giving up on your problem child. They are sooo worth it in the end.

  3. Penny sounds a bit like my uncle and aunt’s current dog. She was a challenge at first, but constant love has made her a much better behaved dog.

  4. I love both your rescues, Liz. Our schnauzer, Honey, is super hyper when someone visits or she sees something in the yard. She’s super sweet and loving, though. I’m so thankful you didn’t give up on Penny. 💜

  5. Pogo, our rescue, is the love of my life. I can’t even begin to articulate how much I love. But you know what? My hair stylist recently reminded me that a month after we adopted him, I wept to her that it wasn’t working out and I didn’t know what to do because bringing him back to the rescue was anathema to our family. Thank God we powered through because he is heaven in a doggy.

    1. Aww I love that. It definitely is difficult at times but I remember when someone suggested to me to “bring Penny back” and I was mortified! She’s such a love even when she’s being a pain in the butt 🙂

  6. You may recall how many times — so many times — Jingle escaped from the backyard of my old house. It was nerve wracking and exhausting. But now we live in a house with a fence he can’t climb or push through and things are so much better. For both of us.

  7. We have our second rescue. Both are boxers. It is wonderful to take a dog into your life that is so grateful and so happy.

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