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Blimey, That’s a Lot of Research — Welcome Back Julie Mulhern

Carhicks is the winner of Julie’s book. Watch for an email from her!

I’m such a big fan of Julie Mulhern’s books — both her Country Club mystery series and her Poppy Fields Adventures series. Julie’s back to talk about her latest book Field’s Guide to Fog! Julie is going to give away a signed paper copy (US only) or ebooks of book two (Field’s Guide to Assassins)  and three (Field’s Guide to Voodoo) to one lucky person who leaves a comment. The Kindle version of the first book in the series, Field’s Guide to Abduction, is free right now.

I have two daughters in college. There are many wonderful things about that. I get to see them blossom as young women, hear their excitement when they call about a paper or test they aced, and put my mom-hat on as the oldest struggles with what comes next. But two tuitions mean my husband and I haven’t taken any big trips lately.

What better time in my life to write the Poppy Fields series about a woman who travels the world?

If you’ve not met Poppy, she’s a Hollywood IT girl who’s recruited by a secret government agency. Poppy and her killer Chihuahua, Consuela, find trouble. Here. There. Everywhere.

Poppy travels have taken her to resorts, my favorite cities, and most recently to a city I don’t know well. London.

I read an article about the most expensive apartments in the world ($11,000 a square foot) and decided Poppy would stay there. With One Hyde Park as Poppy’s home base, I needed a map. I bought myself a whole book of them from Knopf.

The Knopf guide was invaluable, but at the end of the day, I needed more. I ventured into the time-suck that is YouTube where I discovered Joolz Guides (  I followed an amusing man in a bowler hat through Knightsbridge. I watched shoppers walk through Harrods. I entered famous pubs and took note of the décor. I learned the difference between London and the City of London.

In my research, I heard multiple references to cheeky Nandos and spent an afternoon learning more. For the record, cheeky Nandos is an impromptu visit to Nando’s for spicy grilled chicken. (They have Nando’s in Chicago, but the US version isn’t cheeky.)

My goal wasn’t just to write a humorous action-suspense novel, my goal was to take the reader to London with me. Almost as if we’d taken that vacation I can’t afford—together.

With maps, and YouTube videos, and cheeky Nandos notes, I wrote a story filled with action, adventure, the challenges of driving on the left side of the road, and the challenges posed by those we love.

I had a marvelous time on my almost-vacation. A good thing, since my girls are still in school, and Poppy is off to Egypt next.

Readers: Where have you visited without leaving your home?


Julie Mulhern is the USA Today bestselling author of The Country Club Murders and the Poppy Fields Adventures.

She is a Kansas City native who grew up on a steady diet of Agatha Christie. She spends her spare time whipping up gourmet meals for her family, working out at the gym and finding new ways to keep her house spotlessly clean–and she’s got an active imagination. Truth is–she’s an expert at calling for take-out, she grumbles about walking the dog and the dust bunnies under the bed have grown into dust lions.

Action, adventure, mystery, and humor are the things Julie loves when she’s reading. She loves them even more when she’s writing!






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