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Wicked Wednesday: Book Launch Week!

Three Wickeds and an Accomplice have books releasing this week!

Wickeds, how do your characters celebrate extra special, non-holiday events?

Jessie: Congratulations,ladies on your releases! My adventuress, Beryl Helliwell, celebrates even when there is no occasion. She feels every day is a worth celebrating and does so with a glass or two of champagne or maybe a rousing jaunt in her automobile. She never combines the two, however! Her dear friend, Edwina Davenport, is more restrained about most things. She loves to mark down things of note in her diary and does invite a close friend round to dinner if she feels circumstances warrant. She also loves to take note of the celebrations of others by whipping up hand knits for them or sending along a bouquet of flowers from her garden.

Edith/Maddie: Mac Almeida loves wine spritzers – pinot grigio and cranberry juice, for example, or a special drink like pineapple juice and Cuban rum with mint, lime juice, and tonic water. But a celebration can also be something as simple as a cookout in her parents’ Cape Cod back yard with Mac’s brother, her little niece, and boyfriend Tim, of course.

Julie: First of all, congratulations my friends!! I’m so looking forward to reading the next books in the Sarah and the Julia series, and glad that Mac will be meeting the wider world. I’ve been thinking about the difference between the Theater Cop series and the Garden Squad series regarding life and celebrations. In the Garden Squad series, Lilly and her friends spend a lot of time together–going out to eat or eating at Lilly’s house. Sometimes it’s to solve a crime, other times it’s so that folks don’t eat alone. Always it’s an event. In the Theater Cop series, Sully doesn’t celebrate easily. I suspect she did when her folks were alive, and when she was married. But now (though this is changing) she flies solo most of the time.

Barb: Julia Snowden celebrates special occasions with her family, which is often expanded to include Julia’s boyfriend Chris, the Snugg sisters from across the street, and Julia’s landlords Gus and Mrs. Gus.

Sherry: Very interesting–and I’ve never really thought about what Sarah would do. If she gets good news or bad news she usually rushes over to share it with the DiNapolis.  With good or bad news they would feed her to celebrate or prop her up. And like Beryl in Jessie’s books, Sarah likes sparkling wines!

Readers: How do you celebrate a special occasion?

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