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Okay, I confess I’m a tad (ha!) superstitious. Step on a crack you’ll break your mother’s back. Break a mirror and you’ll have seven years of bad luck. Don’t walk under a ladder. Find a penny pick it up all day long you’ll have good luck. Since it’s Friday the thirteenth I though it was a good day to ask the Wickeds if they had any superstitions.

I also saw these interesting superstitions from around the world:

A German superstition declares that if you cheers with water you’re actually wishing death upon the people you’re drinking with. The idea stems from Greek mythology.

In Turkey, an itchy right hand means you’ll come into some money but an itch on your left means you’ll lose money.

This one seems unlucky all around but just go with it. Stepping in dog poop is actually considered good luck in France if you do it with your left foot. It’s only bad luck if you step with your right foot.

Jessie: What a fun question, Sherry! It sounds morbid but I never will speak about automobile accidents when I’m in a car. It just feels like asking for trouble somehow!

Edith/Maddie: Interesting, Jessie. I STILL avoid lines (Step on a line, you’ll break your mother’s spine) and cracks and my mom has been gone for eight years. I also always pick up that penny and I avoid walking under ladders. In Brazil, 13 is considered good luck! Do any of you throw salt over your left shoulder when you spill some?

Barb: I’m not superstitious AT ALL, but I regularly knock on wood, so…

Sherry: Barb, my daughter says: knock on air, it’s always there. I’m very suspicious of the number 13. I don’t want to get out of bed if the hour is whatever followed by 13. I’ll wait for one more minute. Weird, huh?

Julie: Edith, I’m a salt tosser! I never wish people good luck, I tell them to break a leg. That’s a theater superstition, one of many, that has moved into the rest of my life. The challenge is that telling a non-theater person to break a leg isn’t always met with gratitude.

Readers: Do you have any superstitions?

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