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Seven Year Itch

As we continue to celebrate our seven years of blogging is there anything you are itching to write about? Is there a theme you want to explore in your current series or an idea that’s been niggling that you just haven’t had time to get to?

Jessie: I would love to add paranormal elements to a book again. I wrote two books as Jessica Estevao featuring a clairaudient tarot card reader and had a great deal of pleasure doing it. There is so much there that I think adds to a mystery since there is potential fraud and trickery of all kinds as well as the possibility of the supernatural.

Julie: Jessie, I love that idea. I’ve been using a new Tarot deck and the possibilities are endless in so many directions. I wrote a short story that I think may be a book instead. I love the idea of women of a certain age as spies. That’s all I’ll say right now. 😉

Edith: Ooh, older women spies, Julie. I like it. I want to write about 1920s Pasadena, California. I want to use more than one point of view. I want to explore darker themes, go deeper. I hope I can!

Barb: This is a very timely question for me because I am currently out of contract, except for one small novella deal, so I have been thinking about this a lot. I have had a great reading year and have inhaled books by Kate Atkinson, Louise Penny, Julia Spencer-Fleming, Ann Cleeves and Tana French. I love these books and they make me wonder, could I write like that? TBD, but I’d like to find out.

Sherry: Oh, Barb that sounds intriguing! Jessie, I loved your two Jessica Estevao books! I have so many different ideas drafted — an action adventure spy family book, a Hallmark movie-ish romance (partially written), and I found several different proposals for other cozies when I was looking at some old files. So many ideas and so little time!

Liz: Spies – I love that too! You guys all know that I’ve always been intrigued by “the dark side.” I want to venture into the darker side of crime/suspense realm (and if I could write like Tana French, Barb, I’d definitely die happy!) I have a book in that vein that I wrote many years ago that I’ve recently dusted off and am starting to revise, so we’ll see.

Readers: What new thing are you itching to do?

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