Wicked Wednesday-Rituals

Jessie: In New Hampshire thinking about the familiar and the comforting

Lately, it seems as though so many things have changed, rearranged or morphed into something unfamiliar. I find myself considering how rituals are a balm or an irritant when conditions change. So Wickeds, I want to talk about rituals and routines this month. Do you have a morning routine that helps you start your day on the right foot? An evening routine that prepares you for a good night’s rest?

Barb: I love my morning ritual of two big cups of coffee while still in my pajamas (and bathrobe and slippers as it gets colder). I read the newspapers online, blogs and email. I ease into the business of the day. It is the joy of no longer commuting, no longer going to an office.

Edith/Maddie: I also start with coffee, but I take it upstairs to my office and do my catching up on the world there. I know I’ll be starting work at seven after I check in with Ramona DeFelice Long’s Sprint Club, and I need about an hour to read emails, a few blogs, and Facebook highlights so I can focus on the WIP once I start. All the way through the pandemic, having my morning date with writing has been a great respite.

Julie: My morning ritual are the 3 M’s–meditation, moving, and morning papers (journaling). The meditation varies. I do Kundalini yoga or regular meditation. Moving has been boxing for the past couple of months, which is VERY therapeutic. My morning pages also vary–I try for three pages, but even a paragraph helps start my day well.

Liz: I love my morning ritual – I don’t feel like my day has really started until I’ve done it. First stop is coffee, then journaling and meditation. If I’m really on my game, I’ll get my word count in after that. And if I’m really really on my game, a workout before the day job insanity starts.

Sherry: I don’t have a specific time that I rise and shine and I’m not a morning person. When I do drag myself out of bed, I always dress right away. Then I have a big glass of water followed by tea. Iced tea when it’s warm out and hot tea when it’s cool. I’ve had a big change in my writing routine in the past couple of weeks. I hardly know myself anymore, but we will be talking about writing rituals in a couple of weeks so I’ll save it for then.

Jessie: I love hearing what all of you do! Like Liz, I don’t feel like myself unless I’ve done my morning routine. I walk my dog at around 6:30 most mornings. When we return, I exercise and then shower before I make my coffee. I take it to my office to sip on while I read non-fiction, journal and look over my plans for the day. I respond to emails, comment on social media and then work on whichever stage my current novel is at from 10:00-12:30.

Readers, do you take comfort in routines and or rituals?

28 Thoughts

  1. I definitely take comfort in routines. Like everyone else, I don’t feel right until I’ve performed my typical morning routine.

  2. I do like my routimes but I usually need a break from it from time to time like a trip. I told my husband the other day I feel like I’m stuck in the movie “Groundhog’s Day” I wake up and every day is the same. We are in SWFL and even the weather is the same. I have a new great niece but I still don’t think it’s safe enough to travel to NE to visit yet. I love the pictures they post. She is named for my mother.

  3. I don’t know that I take comfort in my routines but I do have them. Some might say I live in a rut. I generally do the same thing every weekday from waking up to leaving the house for work.

    Coming home is usually a tiny bit more freeform. The weekends are a bit different but I still have some routine to the things I need to get done each day then too.

    It doesn’t lead to all that many moments of excitement but things get done that HAVE to get done.

  4. This is so timely. I just began using The Mastery Journal. The last thing you do at night is set your morning routine for the next day. Something about writing it down and checking it off is so satisfying. Mine? Cat care and feeding while I catch the news and weather, journal, read blogs, exercise, check in on FB, then cook breakfast. Now I’m ready for a day at my desk. Enjoy the day all!

  5. Definitely like the routine – much like my dog – and I see a lot of us start with caffeine in some form. LOL My morning routine is: get up, feed Koda, make the tea, have breakfast and tea in the sunroom, log on to my computer for day-job work at 7:30. Lately I’ve added reading something religious/spiritual. The weekend only changes in that I don’t have to “go” to the day job!

  6. I get up between 4-5 am Start the coffee. Take my meds, then I do my bible study. Then I am ready to have my coffee and face the day.

  7. Our routines seem to be based around our furbaby. He turns 16 next month and is on medication including insulin shots. That means when we get have to regulate his eating. So first thing in the morning is to get his breakfast heated up and him fed so he can start his medication. He gets fed before hubby or I do. The rest of the is pretty much the same – based on his treats, meals, outside time and the rare play time. Wouldn’t have it any other way. 🙂

    Actually, as retired seniors, we are thankful for his keeping us on a form of schedule. Especially with the staying at home business and trips cancelled, it’s hard to figure out day of the month or day of the week at times. Thankfully due to his needs we can at least keep up with the time of day. 🙂
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. The pandemic has helped me to see the value of my own routines more than ever too! Pets seem to be a big part of many of them! I would not be up and out of my house as early as I am without my dog looking for a morning jaunt!

  8. I live with a child who was diagnosed with Autism. The main key for his success is to stay with routines. While not all things must be routine, we find it is to his benefit and ours too to try to keep with routines. Since his sleep pattern is irratic, we try to make sure his bedtime is always the same. Meds are always on schedule, meals generally are on schedule, etc., etc., etc. If we know ahead there will be a change we prep him ahead of time for the change. His success is also a success for us.

    1. My children always benefited from routines as well. I think most kids do to a greater or lesser extent. Their good days always contributed to my own so I know just what you mean about sharing your son’s success!

    1. Ha! I know just what you mean! My husband often has the news playing in the kitchen. I just turn around and head back into my office with my noise-canceling headphones firmly in place​!

  9. Morning ritual: waking up eventually (I usually sleep through my alarm for a bit), start checking email and surfing the net on the phone while I slowly wake up, then rush around because I’m going to be late for work before checking in with a few blogs.

    Evening ritual: Saying to myself, shut down your computer and start getting ready for bed. Oh wait, just one more thing…. until I get to bed later than I intended.

  10. I’ve gotten the morning routine down to a science since it is all necessary to me, but I dislike the tedium of routines. Start the coffee, feed the birds and squirrels, feed our kitty, a quick conscious contact with my higher power while taking my morning meds, the usual bathroom thing, then check my email and a daily forum I participate in. All of this (except the last) can be done in well under a half hour. Then I’m ready for the day.

  11. You are all so inspirational. I have my rituals but find so much changes unexpectedly. Example: I went two weeks without any real Zoom meetings and knew I had two scheduled for this week. By Monday afternoon, I had an evening meeting added in and 3 Zoom meetings to do with my volunteer activities. Thanks goodness for coffee in the morning to start the day!

  12. I love hearing about everyone’s rituals. I am a morning person, so I get up early. Drink water–my only chore–and watch ten minutes of something funny I taped to put me in the write spirit. Then I head for my computer and write for an hour and a half or so. I do this even on a bad writing day. I eat breakfast as I write and then I spend time with my husband before I head for my virtual exercise program. I’m pretty much worthless after noon, but I’ve put in a good morning’s work before then. Rituals and writing keep me sane.

  13. I positively HATE when my computer and server conspire to block me from accessing the overflowing email box at the same time that Google is telling me I am running out of storage! I start my day with medications and trying to staunch the ever-overflowing inbox. Since senior centers are closed for the duration, that means I have to get up at 2 am to take advantage of the (for all practical purposes) unlimited web access.

  14. If I venture from my morning routine, I am off for the rest of the day. I begin my morning with devotions and Bible Study. I struggle to find my footing.

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