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Wicked Wednesday-Rituals

Jessie: In New Hampshire thinking about the familiar and the comforting

Lately, it seems as though so many things have changed, rearranged or morphed into something unfamiliar. I find myself considering how rituals are a balm or an irritant when conditions change. So Wickeds, I want to talk about rituals and routines this month. Do you have a morning routine that helps you start your day on the right foot? An evening routine that prepares you for a good night’s rest?

Barb: I love my morning ritual of two big cups of coffee while still in my pajamas (and bathrobe and slippers as it gets colder). I read the newspapers online, blogs and email. I ease into the business of the day. It is the joy of no longer commuting, no longer going to an office.

Edith/Maddie: I also start with coffee, but I take it upstairs to my office and do my catching up on the world there. I know I’ll be starting work at seven after I check in with Ramona DeFelice Long’s Sprint Club, and I need about an hour to read emails, a few blogs, and Facebook highlights so I can focus on the WIP once I start. All the way through the pandemic, having my morning date with writing has been a great respite.

Julie: My morning ritual are the 3 M’s–meditation, moving, and morning papers (journaling). The meditation varies. I do Kundalini yoga or regular meditation. Moving has been boxing for the past couple of months, which is VERY therapeutic. My morning pages also vary–I try for three pages, but even a paragraph helps start my day well.

Liz: I love my morning ritual – I don’t feel like my day has really started until I’ve done it. First stop is coffee, then journaling and meditation. If I’m really on my game, I’ll get my word count in after that. And if I’m really really on my game, a workout before the day job insanity starts.

Sherry: I don’t have a specific time that I rise and shine and I’m not a morning person. When I do drag myself out of bed, I always dress right away. Then I have a big glass of water followed by tea. Iced tea when it’s warm out and hot tea when it’s cool. I’ve had a big change in my writing routine in the past couple of weeks. I hardly know myself anymore, but we will be talking about writing rituals in a couple of weeks so I’ll save it for then.

Jessie: I love hearing what all of you do! Like Liz, I don’t feel like myself unless I’ve done my morning routine. I walk my dog at around 6:30 most mornings. When we return, I exercise and then shower before I make my coffee. I take it to my office to sip on while I read non-fiction, journal and look over my plans for the day. I respond to emails, comment on social media and then work on whichever stage my current novel is at from 10:00-12:30.

Readers, do you take comfort in routines and or rituals?

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