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Wicked Wednesday-Reading Rituals

Jessie: in New Hampshire watching the leaves put on an autumnal show!

All writers are dedicated readers and with that sort of dedication, I’ve noticed that rituals and routines tend to develop. So Wickeds, do you have any routines or rituals to your own reading practice? Do you ever feel the need to shake it up?

Sherry: It is a rare night I don’t read before I go to sleep, even if it’s only a couple of pages. It’s one of my favorite parts of the day, when the house is quiet and I get to escape reality. I usually read crime fiction, but like to shake it up with books like The Jane Austen Society. One of my favorite parts of reading is that delicious moment when it’s time to decide what book to read next.

Edith/Maddie: Like Sherry, I read in the evenings. I rarely watch television, and I love reading on the couch with kitty Ganesh asleep on my lap (the TV is in Hugh’s den). During the long days of summer I sometimes read an ebook while sitting on my deck into the evening, because it doesn’t matter how dark it gets.

Julie: Generally, I read fiction at night, non-fiction during the day. I have different rituals for each. Non-fiction requires a notepad nearby, sitting up and staying hydrated. Fiction is read at night, or during a weekend afternoon, relaxed and enjoying the experience.

Barb: I read fiction in bed at night, usually on my Kindle so I don’t wake up my husband. I love narrative non-fiction and short stories, but I always feel a little at sea if I don’t have a good novel going. That’s my easiest transport to another world. I love having a printed book for vacation or a long weekend and will hoard new releases by my favorite authors for those occasions.

Jessie: Like Julie, I read non-fiction in the mornings and fiction later in the day and on weekends. And like Barb I feel off if I don’t have a novel on the go at all times. I have a refillable notebook/folio where I keep my kindle, blank paper and favorite pen for my morning reading routine where I take notes on the non-fiction I am reading. In the evenings I like to read froma physical copy of a novel if possible to feel as though I am switching into a slower pace.

Liz: It really depends on my mood. If I’m in a fiction mood and really into what I’m reading, I’ll read whenever and wherever I can. If it’s non-fiction, I usually read in the morning for a few minutes before I start work. If I’m in any sort of routine, I do like to read fiction at night and also weekend mornings if time allows. I’ve also been doing a lot of audio books lately. I like to listen while walking the dogs as well as driving, and especially if I’m super into the book I’ll steal time whenever I can.

Readers, what is your reading habit like? Is there any predictable routine to it?

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