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Cover Reveal!

Jessie: In New Hampshire where the snow was melted away by Saturday’s heavy rains.

Covers! Ah covers! They are one of the trickiest parts of the publishing business. They have to convey in images and a few choice words why in the world anyone would be interested inthe contents contained behind them. A cover must provide a sort of shorthand of the tone, genre and emotinal ride a book will provide whilst simultaneously making room for the title, the recommendation of others and all the stock-keeping information like bar codes and price. I am always in awe of the task set before them!

I have been lucky enough to have a single cover designer for each of my Beryl and Edwina books thus far. I am even luckier to be able to contribute to the conversation about what the covers should include months before they are created. I share images on Pinterest boards as well as lists of keywords and short phrases pointing out important bits of information like the time of year, the method of murder, the general setting.

After that the wizards in the Art Department take over and start drafting something that manages to include what they think is relevant and also appealing to the majority of lighthearted historical mystery readers. After long enough for me to have forgotten there is a cover in the works somewhere I receive an email from my editor with the image of it attached.

I think this one turned out quit charmingly. In fact, I think it may be my favorite for the series thus far! It reminds me of a vintage Nancy Drew Mystery cover. I am delighted with the way it points to what is transpiring in the mystery without giving too much away. Beryl and Edwina look rather dashing, just as a pair of intrepid sleuths should!

Readers, does this cover make you think of vintage Nancy Drews? Writers, do you have a favorite cover for one of your books?

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