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Wicked Wednesday- Anticipation

Jessie: Peering longingly out the window when she should be working on her next novel!

All this month we are discussing anticipation. Sometimes I think it should be called anticipatience! So Wickeds, how patient are you? How about your sleuths? Do you think patience is part of the writing process? If so, which parts of it require the most patience from you?

Edith/Maddie: Right now I have five short stories AND a new series proposal out on submission. I am not feeling at all patient waiting to hear about them. Otherwise I am a pretty patient person, something parenthood taught me. I’m also writing the fourth Cozy Capers Book Group Mystery – Murder in a Cape Cottage – in which my already obsessive protag Mac is trying to solve two century-old murders in the week before her wedding. It isn’t going along very fast (which leads to tension and suspense, both great things in a mystery), and she’s getting more and more impatient.

Liz: Oh boy – patience is probably my least favorite word in the dictionary! I have basically none. Maddie is a lot like me – she has very little patience for most things, especially fools! Violet is a bit different – out of all my characters she’s probably the most patient, except when her mother, Fiona, throws a magickal monkey wrench into her world.

Sherry: I’m fairly patient with most situations, but when I get my dander up about something watch out. Chloe is more impatient than Sarah. As to writing — I get impatient for first reviews, hoping they will be good.

Julie: I am patient with other people, especially small children. Though when pushed, watch out. Lilly Jayne is such a fun character to write. She’s patient with her gardens. But she is impatient with incompetence and stupidity. Which makes her an excellent sleuth.

Jessie: My patience tends to extend easily to people and less so to glitches in technology. My leuths all seem to be equally willing to take the time it takes when it comes to their interactions with others. As far as writing goes, I think patience is a super power. Without it, everythign is so much more difficult. The writing process itself, awaiting reviews or news on submissions and even the business side of production of the books themselves are all helped enormously by a heaping heling of it!

Readers, are you patient about some things but not others?

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