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WW: Do You Ever Dread Finishing a Project?

Wickeds, we’re talking about finishing things this month. Have you ever so enjoyed a project that you dreaded finishing it? Have you ever written a book you didn’t want to finish?

Jessie: What an intriguing question, Julie! I cannot ever remember dreading the end of a book I had written. I can think of times that I didn’t want to let it go off to be critiqued by my editors but I am so goal-oriented that I love being able to look at a project I have finsihed.

Edith/Maddie: Like Jessie, I can’t recall dreading the end of a writing project. Since I signed my first Kensington contract back in 2012, I’ve never been without a deadline looming. I enjoy the challenge of writing the best book I can, sending it in on time and diving into the next book on the schedule. I’ve certainly dreaded the end of a book I’m reading – especially when it’s the last in a series.

Barb: I have a friend who has a theory that with regards to spending, everyone is born with a percentage. If you are a 90 percenter, you will spend 90% of your income, no matter what it is or how much it changes over your lifetime. If you are a 110% you will spend 110% of your income. Of course there are the 10 percenters and the 200 percenters, both problematic. I bring this up because I have extended this theory to include project completion. Everyone is born with a percentage. There are the 2% completers, the “idea men,” (they’re always men) who think having the idea is all of the work and leave someone else to chase around and figure out how to implement it, and then claim all the credit. (I’ve worked for a few of these in career.) And there are the 120% completers, who will plow the same tired ground long after it has gone fallow. I am a proud 100 percenter. I love finishing stuff. Not always on time, a la Edith, but I finish darn near everything I start. Which is not always a good thing. There are projects I should have long since walked away from that I will hammer at until they are done. Like a race horse, when I can see the finish line, I will single mindedly go for it. Which is why my Kindle never shows a book as 90% complete, because if I’ve gotten that far, I am going to finish it, no matter the time or what I have to do the next day.

Julie: Barb, I love the percentage theory. I am like you, a 100%er, though lately I will confess to skipping to the end of a book or a movie. When I thought of this question, I was considering writing what may be the last of a series, and not wanting it to end. Or finishing a book that flowed like no other. My many years in theater also brought me close to a few magical productions that you didn’t want to end, because it was lightening in a bottle that won’t be replicated. They are all good reasons to enjoy the moment, and not live in the future, I suppose.

Sherry: Hmmmmm, I’m not sure about this. I think my reluctance to type “the end” must play into not wanting to let a book go. I like sending a book in, but I love getting it back during the copy edits phase. I also tend to be an idea person, but I believe I always give credit where credit is due.

Liz: I love the percentage theory too! I really love finishing things – and usually, by the time I get to the end of a big project/book/whatever it is, I am really happy to let it go and not see it again (until the finished product, of course!).

Readers, how do you feel about finishing a project? Have you ever been doing work that you dread ending?

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