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Wicked Wednesday: Celebrating Gratitude

Edith/Maddie here, with our last Wicked Wednesday focused on celebrating.

Tomorrow is American Thanksgiving. The holiday has lots of history and mythology attached to it, which we won’t go into. Many regard the day as an opportunity to gather with loved ones and share food – I know I do – and to be grateful for blessings.

Wickeds, will you celebrate your gratitude for food and dear ones tomorrow? How will the table look? What is your favorite – and least favorite – dish to prepare? What are the blessings you’re grateful for?

Julie: I will celebrate with loved ones tomorrow. It has been a tough year in a number of ways, but we’re going to celebrate the blessing of being together. I’m always the pie maker, so I’m working on those. I also make the sweet potato casserole. We make a roasted vegetable mix that includes beets, Brussel sprouts, carrots, and parsnips. It’s a pain to prep, but so, so good.

Edith/Maddie: I am more than thrilled to be hosting my favorite holiday tomorrow, with family and the close friends we always gather with – except for last year, of course. I’ll set the white damask tablecloth with my mother’s china and my grandmother Dot’s silver. I’ll bake four pies today, with my son and his wife’s help, and roast a fresh turkey tomorrow, spatchcocked and dry-rubbed, with my mother’s bread dressing on the side, plus smashed potatoes and gravy. Guests will bring smiles, wine, and all the sides. What could be a better celebration of how many blessings we have?

Barb: I’ll be at my daughter’s house. My son and his family will be there, too. (Assuming everyone has negative covid tests. Nervously awaiting results as I write this.) I’ll make the turnips before we leave Portland. At my daughter’s house, I’ll make the apple and mince pies with my granddaughters. My mother’s dressing will be my contribution to the main meal on the day.

Liz: I’m having a low-key day with a friend, and yes we’re doing my go-to feast – the vegan meal from Whole Foods. It’s been quite the year, with so many blessings to celebrate and so many new, exciting chapters to look forward to. And I’m really looking forward to the pumpkin pie!

Sherry: We are having a small Thanksgiving too. My daughter isn’t a big fan of traditional Thanksgiving food so I think I’m going to make Chicken Marsala. It’s a dish we all like. I haven’ thought about sides yet but there will be pumpkin and apple pie. We have lots to be grateful for — most of all that we will be together.

Jessie: Sherry, I love to make Chicken Marsala for Easter! We will be hosting a family gathering which will include traditional and additional foods. I am always happy to make the meal for loved ones, but do find myself missing my grandmothers and aunts on the days leading up to the festivities quite keenly. One of my grandmothers always came to help me to prepare and was a delightful conversationalist. I am very grateful that I have members of the younger generation that pitch in and are just as good company!

Readers: How and what will you celebrate on Thanksgiving, if you do?

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