Out With the Old for 2022

The theme for this month is a good one for January–Out with the Old. Implied is “in with the new”. Wickeds, the question for this week is what new are you hoping for in your writing life in 2022?

Edith/Maddie: I’m hoping to finish crafting my new historical project and land a publishing contract for it. Also hoping for a Country Store Mysteries series contract renewal, and for two or more short story acceptances. Otherwise I’m hoping my writing mojo keeps on keeping on and that readers continue to love my stories!

Liz: Oooh, I have high hopes for 2022! I hope readers love the newest installment of the Full Moon Mysteries featuring Violet and her witchy friends, and that their adventures continue for a long time, and that the Cat Cafe series continues to entertain people–I have a lot of ideas for Maddie’s next adventures. And most of all, I will finally bring a long-awaited project to fruition.

Sherry: I’m going to finally finish the romance I started three years ago and work on a thriller. It’s a blank slate ahead for the time being and I’m excited to see how it fills in!

Julie: I’ve got a new idea that has been knocking on my imagination. I’m looking forward to finishing this draft so I can see what I’ve got. I’m hoping for success in my publishing life. I’m also hoping to see many friends in person at events–let’s hope!

Barb: Early January brings both the new year and my birthday–so you’d think it would be a perfect time for me to be taking stock and making resolutions about writing. However, for the last several years (except last year–which was a wash, let’s face it), I’ve had a March 1, deadline. When the new year comes I am so deep in that project I have trouble looking ahead. So, I am putting the revelation of my intent for the year on account and will get back to you in March.

Jessie: I am looking forward to all your new projects! Like Barb, I have a March deadline this year so I am deep into the work on that novel. I also have an outline for the seventh Beryl and Edwina mystery due to my editor in February so I will be noodling up another adventure for that intrepid pair!

Friends, what are you hoping for in your reading and writing life in 2022?

25 Thoughts

  1. I am very excited to see the new projects the WICKEDS are planning/working on come to fruition in 2022.

    Me, I just want my reading mojo to come back. Reading had normally been my salvation but my ability to read during the past year was zapped due to health and family issues.

    I am signed up for both Left Coast Crime and Bouchercon this year. It would be great to meet my mystery writing friends in person this year.

    1. Grace, I hope to see you at LCC and Bouchercon–I’m also signed up for both! And good luck on your reading mojo. I’ve had a similar issue. I’ve discovered that audio books are saving me since I can do them on rides, while waiting for people, etc. Take care, and happy New Year.

  2. You lists are rich encouragement! For me, goals are my servants, not master, so we’ll see how far I get by mid year. I’ve set a goal to finish all the self-edits of Death of an Heir in the next month and send off to my editor. By the end of the first quarter, I plan to complete the last of the 7-Step Storytelling workbooks. I’m really excited about 2022, and by April, I hope to begin the next book in the cozy mystery series.

  3. I’m looking forward to the re-boot of my Zoe Chambers series this spring while also hoping to find a publisher for a new series. I also hope to see everyone at Malice this year.

  4. In my reading life, well since Edith wrote about it, I guess I have to say for a renewal of her Country Store series! Life will be a tad less interesting without more adventures set in and around Pans ‘N Pancakes.

    In my writing life, I don’t know that I’m looking to do anything NEW other than producing new CD reviews and new articles in my series The Cassette Chronicles.

    Although I wouldn’t mind writing about becoming a multimillionaire because of some as yet fictional big money lottery win.

  5. For a lot of years my schedule has been write a book from January to June and another from July to December. Except this year – I’m just putting the finishing touches on the draft of the sixth and final book under contract for The Laurel Highlands Mysteries, so I’m open in the second half of the year. If nothing changes, I’m considering going back to a past project and to see what I can do with it.

    Oh and looking forward to LCC and Malice!

  6. Best wishes for all of your 2022 hopes, ladies! The first book in my new Record Store mystery series debuts March 1. I am really hoping for a strong and posit reception. Fingers crossed!

  7. To get back to reading more books again now that the holidays are over. It was hard to get time to read with decorating, baking and family get togethers.

  8. For 2022 writing goals, I hope to expand and finish my first cozy to the point that I can pitch it properly at Crime Bake in October. I am signed up for a couple of Guppy classes all to hone my craft! Happy New Year, Julie and the Wickeds!

  9. Jessie and Barb – until 1752 New Year’s fell on March 25th, so there is precedent for March resolutions!

    My writing goals – I have really taken myself in hand this year and actually plotted them on a calendar. My big three for the first quarter – Draft the first book in a new cozy series set in the mountains of New Jersey, finish a Key West Kind of Death, and learn Atticus so I can format and reboot Death by Blue Water. Write well, all, Happy New Year.

  10. Super excited to read anything the Wickeds write this year. Also, my hubs and I are going to try to coauthor a cozy, fingers crossed!

  11. I’ve set my goals like last year, but the beginning of the year blues are hitting me right now, coupled with work issues. I’m wondering if I will wind up revising my goals down so I can rest a bit.

  12. I’m hoping to find time to do a lot more reading. Like Grace, I’ve lost some of my mojo. Yet, I keep feeling the desire to read. Self-conflict is a bitch.

  13. Add me to the hoping to read more list. I read quite a lot last year. I’m hoping to read even more this year. I’m excited!!

  14. I did not do well with my Goodreads goal last year. This year, I lowered it to 40 books. Thank you so much for sharing your writing goals this year. God bless you.

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