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Opening Lines: Graveyard Edition and a #giveaway

Wickeds, give us your opening lines for a story, inspired by the photo below.

As we have done all month, there’s a giveaway for one lucky commenter below.

Edith/Maddie: “Hey, pal!” I yelled at the dude – my brother – trying to make a break for it. “It’s the Day of the Dead, and that means you’re supposed stay dead. Listen, I brought your favorite vodka and cookies. Now be a good corpse and get back into that coffin.”

Barb: “Honestly, I thought the zombie apocalypse would be a lot scarier.”

Liz: “I told my new boyfriend he could invite his friends to the party. I should’ve kept my mouth shut.”

Sherry: My grandmother’s grave looked terrible. Then I realized the cemetery was working with a skeleton crew.

Julie: Honestly, if it’s not one thing it’s another. We finally get Uncle Fred six feet under now we have to worry about him showing up as one of the undead? I told them we should have cremated the SOB.

Jessie: The fact that her husband always insisted on going overboard with the Halloween decorations had been a serious bone of contention in their marriage. She thought that while it was unlikely he was content that his life had ended so unnaturally, he would have been cheered to know his skeleton contributed so prominently, if anonymously to the holiday display.

Readers: Add your own lines. One lucky commenter will win a Snowden Family Clambake tote bag and a signed copy of The Death of an Ambitious Woman.

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