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Wicked Wednesday: How our Characters Relax

Edith/Maddie here, loving the summer produce north of Boston.

Wickeds, pick one or more of your characters and describe how they relax in the summer.

Sherry: Chloe loves to go out for an early morning run to relax before going to work. (That’s the complete opposite of how I would choose to relax!) After work she loves taking a glass of wine and good book out to her screened in porch that looks out over the Gulf of Mexico. (Now that is something I can get on board with!)

Jessie: Edwina gardens and takes long, rambling walks with her dog. Beryl loves nothing more than putting down the top on her motorcar and taking it out for a spin!

Barb: Julia Snowden doesn’t get much chance to relax during the Snowden Family Clambake’s busy summer season. It’s hard for her to even find time to solve all the murders. But she does occasionally lift her head and look around to take in the sight and smell of the ocean and the sounds of her happy guests and to appreciate all that she has. She’s much better at relaxing during the off season than she was when she moved back to Busman’s Harbor at the beginning of the series.

Edith/Maddie: Mac Almeida sometimes goes for long walks on the beach with her husband Tim, or she puts up her feet on the deck and sips a cool white wine while reading the latest cozy mystery for the Cozy Capers book group. Except in the book I just turned in, Murder at the Rusty Anchor, her brain is too busy with solving the murder to let her relax much, even in July.

Julie: Lilly Jayne gardens. She turns compost to work off frustration, but she gardens to relax. And talks to her flowers. Sully Sullivan, from the Theater Cop series, probably goes to cold case websites and listens to true crime podcasts. Otherwise, I’m not sure she knows how to relax.

Edith: I LOVE that Lilly turns compost as an outlet for frustration, Julie!

Liz: Summer is Maddie’s busiest time too with so many visitors on the island. But the ocean is her favorite place too, so she’s making time to walk the dogs and smell the salt air before running off to help cats or solve mysteries – or other family problems!

Readers: Which of our characters do you share a relaxation practice with?

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