Site icon The Wickeds

Opening Lines, DC Edition

Wickeds, add your opening line for this photograph.

Edith/Maddie: My pulse doubled when I saw the killer running toward me through the arches. Good thing I knew how to quick-hotwire a golf cart.

Julie: I ambled through the arches carefully looking for Fred, trying to avoid the assassin looking for us both. Halfway down I found Fred slumped behind a column, blood oozing out of his temple. As I bent down, a shot rang out, hitting the space where my head was. Now what?

Barb: Ordinary life. Ordinary day. Then I glanced down a long corridor framed by arches and saw a woman, gray and shimmering, dressed in a Victorian traveling costume. She headed for the platform. I followed.

Jessie: It was funny how the sound traveled along the corridor, bouncing off the stone arches and funneling towards the open courtyard. She reminded herself to move as quietly as possible as she tried to keep out of sight.

Sherry: There he was. My target. Blue shirt, white shorts, and a ball cap. It was go time.

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