Torn Asunder Released and a #Giveaway!

I’m thrilled to announce today’s release of Torn Asunder, the twelfth novel in my Maine Clambake Mystery series. I loved writing this book, which takes place entirely on Morrow Island, the island in Busman’s Harbor, Maine where my protagonist, Julia Snowden, runs the Snowden Family Clambake.

To celebrate, I’m giving away a signed copy of Torn Asunder to two lucky commenters below.

Here’s the Description

In Barbara Ross’ award-winning series featuring sleuth Julia Snowden and her family’s coastal Maine clambake business, Morrow Island is a perfect spot for a wedding—and a Snowden Family Clambake. Julia Snowden is busy organizing both—until a mysterious wedding crasher drops dead amid the festivities . . .

Julia’s best friend and business partner, Zoey, is about to marry her policeman boyfriend. Of course, a gorgeous white wedding dress shouldn’t be within fifty yards of a plate of buttery lobster—so that treat is reserved for the rehearsal dinner. Julia is a little worried about the timing, though, as she works around a predicted storm.

When a guest falls to the floor dead, it turns out that no one seems to know who he is, despite the fact that he’s been actively mingling and handing out business cards. And when an injection mark is spotted on his neck, it’s clear this wasn’t caused by a shellfish allergy. Now, as the weather deteriorates and a small group is stranded on the island with the body—and the killer—Julia starts interrogating staff, family members, and Zoey’s artist friends to find out who turned the clambake into a crime scene . . .


I’ll be doing some appearances this spring-summer and love to meet readers! Each listing below provides links to sites where you can get more information.

  • Friday through Sunday, April 26-28, 2024 in Bethesda, MD, I will be at Malice Domestic. Registration required. I will be moderating the panel, “Cozies: All in the Family,” with Donna Andrews, Olivia Blacke, Maya Corrigan, and Maddie Day on Saturday, April 27, from 10:00 to 10:50 a.m. in Ballroom A.
  • Saturday, May 18, 2024, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Groveland, MA. I will be at the Kensington Cozy Con, sponsored jointly with Jabberwocky Bookshop and the Langley-Adams Library. I will be on the Wicked Authors Panel with Maddie Day, and Cate Conte from 1:00 to 1:45 pm, and will be available to chat and sign books all day. Pre-registration is suggested.
  • Thursday, June 13, 2024, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in Scarborough, ME. I will appear with Maine authors Dick Cass and Kate Flora in an interactive Making a Mystery panel at the Scarborough, Public Library.
  • Friday through Saturday, June 14-15, 2024 in Portland, ME, I will be at at the Maine Crime Wave. Friday evening is free and open to the public. Saturday requires pre-registration. I will be teaching the workshop, Examining the Bones (that Hold your Story Together): The Structures of Mysteries and Thrillers, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday. I will also introduce the keynote speaker, Juliet Grames, SVP and Editorial Director at Soho Press, and participate in the last panel of the day.

Additional talks and panels are in the works so be sure to check the Appearances page on my website.

The Giveaway

In my head all the time I wrote the Maine Clambake Mystery series, Julia was worried about a diner having a massive allergic reaction to shellfish. When I got to book twelve (and six additional novellas) and hadn’t used it yet, I knew the omission had to be remedied.

Readers: Do you or does anyone close to you have any serious allergies? Or food allergies–serious or merely inconvenient? Answer the question in the comments below or just say “hi” to be entered to win one of two signed copies of Torn Asunder. Winners will be notified on April 30. Sorry, US only due to mailing costs.

82 Thoughts

  1. Congratulations on the release. I have been looking forward to it and received it this morning electronically. It goes to the top of the TBR list.
    I have some stupid little allergies, mostly dermal. The one big annoyance recently expanded its presence but is taken care of with pre-meal lactase enzyme. Nothing life threatening or too worrisome. I consider myself lucky. However, it is a reminder of folks with some much more serious food issues. For instance, I never make banana bread with nuts because of potential allergies in people.

    1. Nuts are a particular culprit and I always give my Christmas cookies away with a warning. Even those that don’t have nut aren’t made in a nut-free envrionment.

  2. Congratulations, Barb! My copy of the book is waiting for me at Jabberwocky Books.

    In recent years I’ve developed an irksome allergy to raw northern tree fruits. I get itchy lips and tongue if I eat uncooked apples, pears, peaches, apricots, cherries, and so on. Cooked is fine, as are berries, citrus, and tropical fruits. It’s a great tragedy, but so far not life-threatening.

  3. Congratulations Barbara. I am fortunate to have no allergies to food, so I can eat whatever I want. I have a friend who has a serious allergy, although having to use her epi-pen a couple of times is the worst she has had to deal with.

  4. Congratulations! I got up at 6:30am made my coffee and got on my kindle and read the first chapter! The question is do I binge read or try and make it last a few days. Thank you for giving me hours of enjoyment. I feel like all the characters are my friends. This book is so bittersweet to me since it will be the last in this wonderful series!
    I have no allergies but I have a family member that is very allergic to shell fish and another to mushrooms. I have no allergies!
    Thank you Barbara and can’t wait to see what your next book will be!

    1. I am so glad you have enjoyed the series. I had a colleague whose wife was so allergic to shellfish he could only eat it when they were going to be apart for at least three days because apparently it comes out in your sweat.

  5. Being born and raised in Maine, it just seems like the profile of a Mainer would include a love for fish, shellfish, any old type of fish. But I cannot stand it. Not the smell, taste, ick! Never have, despite countless efforts on many, many people’s parts. I always hear, “Oh, you’ll like it if you try it THIS way or THAT way”, but I don’t. So, early on, I learned to tell people I was allergic to it so they’d stop making me try to eat it. Lol! That’s my (pseudo-)allergy and I’m sticking to it!

    1. I’m chuckling because my brother-in-law maintained for 40-some years he was allergic to mayonnaise. There was always a lot of scrambling around for cookouts and camping trips to figure out how to make standards like potato salad or macaroni salad without it. Finally, he as confessed he just doesn’t like it!

  6. Congratulations Barb! I recently discovered Cozy Mysteries, and have been reading and listening like crazy to this blogs recommendations! I live in Bristol, CT, and got my first Cozy at the American Cloxk and Watch Museum- “Just Killing Time.” That $7.99 purchase of Julie’s book pointed me to this blog, in a whole new genre full of great authors! Thank you Wickeds! I’m ready to go to the clambake.

    The k- food allergies! My brother has an allergic reaction to some sort of spice commonly found in Mexican food. He carries an epipen because he can’t stop himself from eating a good plate of fajitas anyway. His face swells up like Charlie Brown’s. It’s a real delight to watch him roll the dice every time we split nachos!

  7. My parents used to raise honeybees. They’d gotten stung before and were fine until one day mom got stung on the end of a finger and her throat started to swell shut. A fast trip to the ER and a couple days in the hospital. No more bees after that and she carries an epipen just in case.

  8. My son had 17 food allergies when he was born, all fruits except pineapple and banana, dairy, beef and pork. As a toddler we could manage his diet but as he got older it was harder. We took him to a homeopath when he was around 10 and within a couple years his body was able to balance out his immune system and no more allergies. I was reluctant to do the rest test , its torture. He’s 33 now and eats everything!

    1. My daughter’s best friend has a kid like your son. Very scary in those early years, but she can eat more and more things now. Hoping it’s all clear for the future like your son.

  9. Congratulations Barb! You know how much I love this series–book was delivered to my Kindle last night. As for allergies–I am actually being tested in May, since I have some non-seasonal allergies that I’d like to figure out. If they’re cats, wine, or cheese I’m in trouble.

  10. Congratulations on your new book! I do not have any food allergies but I am allergic to cats – not that that stops me from cuddling them. aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

  11. My 95 year old mother is allergic ( or at least she thinks she is) to chocolate. When she had her gall bladder out years ago she had some kind of a reaction after eating chocolate and has not eaten any since. I would feel deprived! 😊Must have my chocolate!

  12. Congratulations! I don’t know anyone with food allergies. Wouldn’t that be awful to be afraid of eating?

  13. Congratulations, Barb! The Boy developed a mild shellfish allergy when he was around 11 or 12, but thankfully not something that sends him running for an Epi pen. Just a lot of Benadryl – he broke out in hives so badly he was rolling on the wool carpet to itch them. Which made him so mad because he loves shrimp and lobster.

    No other food allergies in the family.

    1. Eleven or twelve? I wonder about these allergies kids develop later. It seems like it’s often the other way around–start off sensitive to everything and then it fades.

      1. Yeah, I can’t remember exactly, but he was older. In elementary school, but maybe not middle school yet. He ate almost an entire ring of shrimp one day and that night he was a mess.

        He may have grown out of it again, but he’s never been brave enough to try.

      2. My son had pollen allergies when he was that middle school age–bad enough that he was once hospitalized for 5 days for asthma. It hasn’t happened since he graduated from high school. He went to college on the west coast, so initially I thought it was the change in the vegetation, but now he’s back in the east and it hasn’t come back.

  14. Congratulations. My nephew is allergic to nuts. I have a friend who is allergic to avocados. As I’ve gotten older I have to watch my dairy intake.

  15. So excited about your new book! I have all of them in this series. No food allergies in this family. My family are all big eaters. I tell the story of our son when he was in Bosnia in the military a few years back. Food service was serving shrimp and other seafood for their Christmas dinner. So many had a mild case of food poisoning after eating the seafood that had been shipped to them. Not our son! He loved it and ate a lot. He has a cast iron stomach and I think he could eat off a garbage can lid and have no problems!! 😂

    1. I have a son who has an iron stomach, too–and a daughter whose stomach is her weak spot. I’ll never understand how this happens.

  16. I had a friend that I knew from church many years ago who had several food allergies which I would consider very annoying. No chocolate, no red spaghetti sauce (or tomato sauce) and no peanuts. (Of course, she was as thin as a rail.)

  17. Just got a call from Aaron’s that the book is in. Will be picking it up shortly.

    My blood tests show I have an allergy to something, but I have no symptoms and don’t worry about it. Good thing it’s not to good or cats. My daughter is allergic to some trees, especially olive trees. That was a problem when she lived in AZ. Not a problem in PA.

  18. That’s Food or cats. I’m not allergic to good either for that matter. 🙂

  19. This book landed in my Audible library overnight, but I am not racing to read it because I know it’s the last. I must prepare myself for it and be okay with the sadness I feel when forced to say goodbye to characters I have come to know and love. One day soon I will begin to listen, but right now I will procrastinate and maybe pretend it’s not over.

    As for allergies, I have no known food allergies, but penicillin could kill me. There’s a murder weapon. 😳

    What is your next writing project?

    1. Hi, Debbie. I’m allergic to all opiates–quite a challenge when you’re having surgery! I hope this book is all you want it to be.

  20. Warm congratulations for writing such a wonderful series. My copy of “Torn Asunder” awaits me in my P.O. box until I return to NC. I have the entire series, so I’ll binge read from start to finish and enjoy them all over again. I’d love to win the giveaway copy to send to one of my own readers. 🙂

    I am annoyingly allergic to citrus. Headaches, swelling, itching, rash. Sigh…

    Looking forward to seeing what’s next in your writing life!

  21. I’m allergic to tree nuts, but I can eat peanuts. My nephew is allergic to peanuts but can eat tree nuts. That makes things fun when we are all together.

    No need to enter me in the giveaway since I’ve already read this wonderful book.

  22. I love your books and am so happy when a new one comes out. I have a severe allergy to gluten, which I developed later in life. I’m really looking forward to reading Torn Asunder.

  23. Fortunately, no food allergies, because I love to eat! This is the first I have heard of this series. Can’t wait to get the first of the books and start binge reading! Congrats, Barbara Ross!

  24. Congratulations on your 12th book in the series! I cannot wait to read it. I absolutely love this series!
    My son has several food allergies, shellfish being one of them. We are always cautious when trying new places.

  25. Congratulations! I cannot wait to read it, as I have so enjoyed every other book in the series. I am so sad that it is coming to an end, but looking forward to whatever you write next. Thankfully, no food allergies here, but we have family and friends who do have some. Oddly enough, our sister-in-law, for many years was allergic to dairy, eggs, soy, gluten and maybe something else. Then, last year, she told us she was not allergic to anything! I had no idea that could even happen. She can eat anything now, whereas a few years ago, her options (especially when eating out) were extremely limited. Have a fantastic and blessed day —Stacy

  26. I am allergic to apples but not severely allergic. Eating fresh apples makes my throat itch, but when they are baked, such as in apple bread, I am fine. My mom is allergic to cumin but like me it only makes her throat itch. Congratulations on your new release!

    1. It is so interesting how cooking changes the chemical composition of things. My medical chart says I’m allergic to latex, but it’s not a severe allergy thing. Just my skin will burble up if you leave a latex bandage on it.

  27. I am gluten intolerant, so am always careful about what I eat. It was a challenge when I was first diagnosed (25 years ago), but things and people understanding have changed a lot! Congratulations on the new book! Can’t wait to read it!

  28. Congratulations on your new release, I’m looking forward to reading it. I only know of one person that has a food allergy. She is allergic to shellfish and when we go to a restaurant she asks the server to make sure that if she orders something that is fried that it is not fried in the same oil as any shellfish.

  29. Congratulations on the new book in the series. Not allergic to any food but it there is a particular preservative in the food it will make me sick.

  30. When I was about 5 years old (in about 1954), my sister was checked for allergies. I sat under the doctor’s table playing jacks and singing “I hope she’s allergic to turkey. I hope she’s allergic to turkey.” She wasn’t, but she was allergic to everything else it seems like milk and dairy among them. Way later in life, I had issues and got tested and was as allergic to cats as to dogs, dust, grasses, etc., and penicillin. Luckily no food that I know of as he did not test me for food. I took allergy shots from about 1995 until 2020 (Covid). Thank goodness the dog allergy did not keep me from getting a dog and I seem to outgrow that allergy and I can even now be around a cat without tearing up and sneezing, etc. The penicillin trial had the worst reaction. I just finished Hidden Beneath and thought that it was your best. I love those Clambake mysteries. I love lobsters and would love to visit a place that had clambakes. Maybe someday. I was so excited that you put the relationship between Chris and Julia to rest and why. That breakup up was one that really bothered me (as you know I have mentioned that before). So, it was good to understand and get closure and now someone new may be there. I would love to win your autographed book not just to read but to add to my collection of autographed books (movie stars autobiographies, books written by famous people, sports stars, and authors).

  31. Oh, I forgot that I once prevaricated (sounds better than lied) to my best friend’s mother that I was allergic to Miracle Whip. I hated that stuff, and they loved it. I was raised on Hellman’s mayo but now use Kraft. Anyway, she bought me a small bottle for when I visited. I couldn’t say I just didn’t like it as she would say, eat it anyway. I do have another growing up story. I had asthma so bad up until I was about two, that someone had to walk me nightly to get me to sleep. I could not lie down and be able to breathe. Neighbors would come over and help my parents. My mother lost my little brother at 3 months old (he had a hole in his heart, and they did not operate on those in 1950. The day he died, I never had asthma again. Mother said it was a miracle.

  32. Congratulations on the new book…can’t wait to read it! I have no food allergies. My sister was allergic to watermelon, avocado, and cucumber. It wasn’t super serious — she would get an itchy tongue and throat.

  33. I am so excited about this book, amd meeting you in Groveland MA next month! I have a few food allergies. For the most part it’s easy to avoid the foods I’m allergic too. What bothers me most is my shrimp allergy, because a lot of resturants don’t use a separate fryer for seafood. A lot of people have shellfish allergies and I wish more resturants considered that.

  34. Happy book birthday!! I have medication allergies, but not food allergies. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.

  35. Congratulations on the release of “Torn Asunder”! I’ve loved this book since I first read about it and that’s when I placed it on my “gotta read” list. Wonderful cover and I love the topper.

    Although I have no food allergies that I know of, I am highly allergic to the flu shot. The ironic thing is as an old Army brat, I took them for years as a child. I can remember them giving you a little chicklet type box with 2 ACP (aspirin with codeine) and telling you that at the next water fountain you passed to take them. That was it. Advance many, many years later and seeing after my parents, we decided we needed to get a flu shot to protect them. I ended up with my lips and tongue very badly swollen. So much so that you could see the imprint of my teeth on my tongue. Doctor told me flat out NEVER to take a flu shot again. So every year, I’m extra careful to stay sanitized and away from crowds to try to keep from being exposed. So, far I’ve only taken the flu bullet once.

    Thank you so much for the chance to win a copy. I would love the opportunity to read and review “Torn Asunder”.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  36. Congratulations! I don’t know of anyone with food allergies.

    Thank you for the chance!

  37. Your characters are like old friends. I just finished Torn Assunder and I’m smiling. Thanks for a wonderful ride!

  38. I’m too late for the giveaway (oh, well!), but I’m both happy to have a new book to read and sad this might be the last? Please say it isn’t so!

    I do have allergies, including anaphylactic allergies to eggs and shrimp. I don’t get hives at all, and (luckily, so far–that is always open to change) it doesn’t affect my breathing, but it’s the most extreme gastric discomfort you can imagine. I can’t eat anything that’s touched something with eggs or shrimp in it. I don’t even want to touch (or be touched by someone who has touched) anything with those ingredients. Even being near cooking eggs makes me sick. I’m sad I’ll never get to try the clam bake for myself, but relieved that dietary variations are getting easier to accommodate every day!

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