Thankful Thursday! **plus a Wicked giveaway**

These days practicing gratitude is more important than ever, so the Wickeds spread some on the blog. Wickeds, what are you grateful for this month? Readers, let us know what you’re grateful for, and we’ll choose one winner to get a book from each of us.

Edith/Maddie: I am grateful for small islands of grace. I recently spent a day with two of my favorite people: an almost three-year-old whom I helped usher into the world and her Gran, my bestie of forty-three years. We canoed and splashed and ate and played and talked. They filled up my heart and my need for loved ones. And I have two books out this month, so I’ll give away an ebook of Taken Too Soon and a signed paperback of Candy Slain Murder.

Barb: I’m grateful my husband and I were able to spend five days with our daughter and her family, helping out with the whole two-jobs-no-childcare thing. As much as we could. Two kids under two is pretty intense. I’m still not sure if we helped or if adding more people to the mix created more confusion. Either way, we love spending time with them. I’m giving away an advance reader copy of Jane Darrowfield and the Madwoman Next Door.

Liz: I am grateful to have a full life! I definitely tend to feel overwhelmed when there’s a lot going on, but looking at it differently, I have so much: A job, when so many people are struggling; two book contracts; amazing friends (like all you guys); a pretty awesome guy and his pretty awesome kids to spend my time with; and of course my furries. I really am blessed. I’ll give away a copy of Witch Hunt.

Sherry: My husband and I recently celebrated our thirtieth anniversary. I’m grateful that I’m going through life with him by my side. He has been such a great supporter of my writing career and he makes me laugh 99% of the time. That other one percent? We won’t talk about it. I’ll give away a copy of From Beer to Eternity.

Julie: Sherry, I love that picture! And Barb, how cute are those grandkids? Edith, what a blessing to know many generations! And Liz, you do have a full life! I’m grateful for my imagination, and tech. I can teach at home, reach people in different ways, coach via Zoom and create wonderful things. I’ll give away an ARC of Digging Up the Remains!

Readers, let us know in the comments what you’re grateful for, and we’ll randomly pick a name to get the books we’ve mentioned!


120 Thoughts

  1. I am grateful that I have children and grandchildren that love me even though I don’t get to see them as much as I’d like. I am blessed enough to have a roof over my head food on the table and enough that I can help others. Most of all I am grateful to have a wonderful God.

  2. I’m thankful for my great neighbors. Most of us have been together for over thirty years. Our children have grown up together. We help each other out , when needed. It’s definitely a blessing.
    Have a wonderful day!!!

    1. I’m grateful to have a job and a home during these crazy times, and for my family, who are always there for me.

  3. I am thankful for so many things. Learning just yesterday that I have such great dental insurance that over half my upcoming procedure will be covered. The college I teach at still wants me, and c9mposes great schedules for me. Most of all I am always grateful for my husband, dogs, and cat, who keep our home loving and entertaining.

  4. I am thankful for my friends, I call them my angels. Over the labor day weekend, they labored hard with me. We cleaned out two rooms of my house, painted both rooms all the while talking and laughing. This week they came over and helped me clean out my front garden bed. They are lovingly nudging me along this path and I so appreciate them.

  5. I’m grateful for my family…our two children and four grandchildren. I love the time we are able to spend together even though it never seems like enough!

  6. I’m grateful that we finally moved and no longer feel like we’re missing out because we’re not where we want to be. We’re so happy in our new home. I miss my family, but saw them two weeks ago when I went back to visit.

  7. I’m grateful that my brother is able to stay with my mom once a week so I can have a break.

  8. I’m grateful I successfully shipped my son off to college and that I got to spend a couple weeks with my sister and 22-month-old nephew at the end of summer.

  9. Grateful for the continued good health of Mom (hubby’s but mine also). At 91, even with suffering several falls and hospital stays, she’s still about to get around with the aid of a walker, take care of her daily needs, hold a delightful conversation and a real joy to be around. Very thankful that her health and ours made it possible for us to drive the five hours north to see her for a couple days last week.
    Also so very grateful for a loving husband that I enjoy being ordered to stay at home with, a wonderful home to stay in, a well-stocked pantry, and lots of daily critter visitors that keeps us entertained and occupy a lot of our stay at home time photographing from the front porch.
    I’d be remiss if I didn’t say how grateful I am for all those that continue to work to keep life as “normal” as possible during these trying times.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  10. I’m grateful for my home, my small yard that is like a garden oasis to calm my senses, being an hour away from wonderful beaches in MA and RI, so many places to get outside and walk or hike in my neighborhood, and having my husband to be with during this time of staying home more.

  11. I am grateful that my family and friends are healthy and well and have stayed COVID free during this pandemic. I am thankful that I am back in remission from my RA and PsA. That I am 9 years cancer free (even with a few scares). I am thankful for all the wonderful authors that have kept me from going crazy and kept my mind busy with reading.
    Mostly I am just thankful for my family and all my friends whether it in person or those I have met online.

  12. I’m grateful for my daughter who has helped me survive the death of my husband, her step-father, and several other life challenges. She’s my best friend and staunchest supporter and an incredible mother to my grandson. I’m grateful for all my grandchildren, who keep me going during the hard times. I’m grateful for continuing to have a job through the COVID pandemic and the months of caring for my father as he declined. I’m very grateful for the books that I read and listen to that give me a safe escape from this world so that I get just a bit of a break now and then.

  13. I adore these posts, ladies. They always leave me smiling. 😊 Today, my wife is undergoing a medical procedure. Nothing too serious, bit it’s a timely reminder of how thankful I am for all our healthcare workers and for the amazing scientific and technological services we have to help us live longer, healthy lives. Cheers to science!

  14. I am so thankful that I am able to travel at a moments notice to help my mother when she needs me. My father is declining and it’s wonderful to still have his time with them both.

  15. When I count my blessings, they always include family, friends, neighbors, good health, and a home where we can come together over enjoyable meals. I also am so very thankful for kindness shown by others who do not know me: the grocery store worker who delivers food to our car; online support for tech problems we seem to encounter; the ability to buy necessities online (which certainly includes books); those who deliver said necessities and those of you who blog here and in other places. Thank you!

  16. I am thankful for each day. I have learned especially this year that things can change in too quickly. I am thankful for each day that I can spend with my husband and helping out my extended family. Cherish each day.

  17. I’m grateful that despite the pandemic, I was able to sell my house, move to another city to be close to my grandchildren, stay healthy, and continue to thrive.

  18. Wow! What I am grateful for? I could go on and on and on! Blessings abound in my life! First, I am so very thankful to God that my family have all stayed healthy during this pandemic. I am thankful I do not want for food or shelter or clothing. But most important of all…I am thankful, that by the grace of God, I am saved by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And thank you for the chance to win this wonderful giveaway!

  19. I am grateful for so many things I have been blessed to have in my life; family, home, food to eat, and also our freedoms. I am also grateful to be able to read. In times when I am not able to leave my home, it is wonderful to be able to pick up a book and escape.

  20. I’m thankful for good books. I know i keep saying this, but right now reading is the only thing that is keeping me sane.

  21. Love the photos. I’m grateful that it’s another month gone by and we’re still hanging in here, despite heat and fires and the smoke. All under a little more control now – our air is officially GOOD two days in a row! – and we were so fortunate never in the fire danger zone. I’m also thankful for a very thorough, informative, helpful telephone doctor’s appointment yesterday. My husband is retired from the Air Force so we get our medical care at the local AFB. Personnel have been serving extra hours and deployed locally since the first cruise ship arrived with COVID, they are helping at local hospitals, have been firefighting as well, so things are hectic for them. I have had some ongoing health issues and need regular medication so needed to talk to a doctor. She was everything I could have hoped for: knowledgeable, patient, took a lot of time, had questions and suggestions to help me try to identify possible causes. Anyway, I am grateful to have had her time, expertise, and continuing care.

  22. I am Thankful for rain, here in west Texas we needed rain and the good Lord sent us some. I am grateful for my legs that carry me every morning on my morning walks with my husband and our pup , where we can see God’s beautiful nature in action. I am grateful for being able to go watch our granddaughter play in a home tennis tournament here in our town, we had to wear masks, but that’s o.k., we were able to watch our granddaughter who is in 9th grade win her singles match and her and her partner win their doubles match. Thank you Sweet Lord for my eyes. Have a Great rest of the week and stay safe. God bless you and your family.

  23. I am grateful that both of the young women (one only 30 and one 41) I was praying for have a chance after having colon cancer surgery this week. Now we are praying for positive biopsy results. Hopefully, we’ll have something to be thankful for after the results come back.

  24. I am extremely grateful to my doctor who really listens to me. He has agreed to begin treatments on my back. He hasn’t been doing them since the shutdown but said he would do them just for me since he likes me (and likes my weird sense of humor). I had these treatments 12 years ago and I went from being virtually non-functional to pain-free. I knew they wouldn’t last forever, and I’m looking forward to being back on the torture rack. There is always something to be grateful for if you just look.

  25. After reading all of Barb’s books and having been to Bar Harbor, I cannot get enough of the Maine writers! I am currently binge reading the Mainely Needlepoint Series and was saddened to read that the Author, Lea Wait has passed away.

  26. Oh my so much for which to be thankful! My wonderful full, healthy life, my family- both 2 as well as 4 legged— and right now that we only have smoke to contend with and no fire.

  27. I’m thankful that our St. Louis Walk to Defeat ALS was able to achieve our goal of $450,000 despite all odds against it with the severity of the pandemic. Our fantastic staff refused to lower their goal. So many patient families had many more needs because of the effects on jobs, caregivers, children having to be home-schooled and parents having to care for their family member and children 24/7. I’m thankful my team was able to set a new team record of $10,077. My family has familial ALS so we’ve lost 13 and have one with it now. Much ALS awareness was brought into focus by the ICE Bucket Challenge in 2015 which funded research that has found many new genes and a very promising treatment for the inherited form my family has as well as 2 other very promising treatments. Most of the money raised at the Walk goes to fund local patient needs for things such as equipment, respite care, nutritional supplements… but also for continued research.

  28. I’m grateful that most members of my immediate and extended family have managed to stay Covid-free so far. The ones who did catch it have pretty well recovered, or at least seem to have recovered.
    I’m grateful that one of my sons has an employer that is very staunch about everyone working at or visiting the business wears a mask and has temperature checks.
    And I’m grateful that my self- employed husband and son have still had a fairly steady job lineup during all this.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  29. I am greatful that I can be a stay at home mom. We don’t have to worry about how the kids will do their virtual schooling because I’m home. I also have a lot of health problems and that would make it near impossible for me to work.

  30. I’m grateful for all the workers and staff at my assisted living residence. You all are terrific!!! PS – a menu update would be appreciated. 🙂

  31. I am grateful that I have been able to work throughout the pandemic and stay healthy, and that no one I know has gotten sick. And I’m grateful for my dogs!

  32. I’m thankful that I was able to meet a friend for lunch this week. Hadn’t seen her since January. I’m hoping that my cousins will feel secure enough next week to have lunch, too. Always thankful for books and food. Stay safe and well.

  33. I am thankful for my family being all in the same state. Being somewhat close and masked during the pandemic has been helpful as I navigate continuing to go into work.

  34. I’m grateful for the time I’ve been able to spend with my Father. He turned 98 at the beginning of this month. He is an extraordinary man. He was born in a small town in North Idaho, they lived in shanties in the park. He was in the Pacific Theater in WW II. He came home like so many, met and married my Mom and raised 3 kids. He worked for United Air Lines for 30 years. He loved his job. When he “retired ” he continued to work at various jobs. The last one was school bus driver. He did that until he was 89 yrs old and the schools insurance made him stop. (The school still called for awhile anyway. LOL.) He cared for my Mom before she passed. He had to learn to cook, clean and caregive. Not something he was used to. He is still quite healthy and active, although he is slowing down. I am so glad I could be the one to take care of him.

  35. I am grateful for my sister who helped me clean out my (attached) garage so that the pest control company could finish blocking up any mouse entry points into my attic. I’m hoping this will finally solve my mouse issue!

  36. Still so much to be grateful in this difficult, difficult year. I’m grateful for good health for myself and my partner, still having a job I can do from my home office, and a small cottage rental for a few nights next week just a block from the beach in RI. I’ll probably kiss the sand, I’ll be so grateful for a fresh outdoor view.

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